Results List
Eldercare Workforce Alliance to Address the Critical Shortage of Healthcare Workers Capable of Meeting the Needs of Older Adults
The Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA) — a new coalition of 25 leading organizations representing older adults and the eldercare workforce, including family caregivers, healthcare professionals, and direct-care workers — is holding its founding meeting this week in Washington, D.C. This wide array of national organizations…
Author: Eldercare Workforce Alliance
Letters to the Editor: Philanthropy and Racism
Original Source To the Editor: Structural-racism training programs have helped hundreds of nonprofit organizations and community foundations, many of which are administered or operated by white people but primarily serve people of color, learn how to orient their theories of change from charity to empowerment…
Author: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Bold Advocacy: How Atlantic Philanthropies Funded a Movement
By Naomi Rothwell The dramatic story of the recent American health care reform movement – and how foundations had a hand in changing history – has not been widely told. Starting in 2008, Atlantic Philanthropies and others helped fund an extraordinary campaign to push for…
Author: GrantCraft
Justice through Education
Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen.My name is Kristian Smith, I am 16 years old and I attend Gonzaga Jesuit High School. My purpose in being here today is to share my perspectives on the importance of high-impact summer learning.I want to say thank you to…
Author: Johns Hopkins Center for Summer Learning Conference
Music for a good Cause
From the Hob by Paul Keating ONE of the enduring objectives of folk music is its ability to remind us of our common humanity and bonds that should unite us rather than divide us. Sometimes, though, the harsher side of life informs and inspires us…
Author: Irish Voice
New National Collaborative Aims to Improve Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color
Improving Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color: New National Collaborative Aims to Identify and Share Best Practices and Fund Cross-Cutting Academic and Community-Based Research A new multifaceted effort, RISE (Research, Integration, Strategy and Evaluation) for Boys and Men of Color, has launched to identify…
Author: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Original Source Barack Obama’s campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Author: The American Prospect
Nurses: The Critical Link in Improving Health Care for the Underserved
Jennifer Wilson, Bermuda’s Nurse of the Year for 2008, spends her days driving the Azmobile from one island school to another. She coordinates an island-wide asthma education programme for Open Airways, an Atlantic-supported organisation that has helped cut hospital admissions for asthma sufferers by nearly…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Affordable Health Care for All Is Within Grasp Now – If We All Rise to the Moment
President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress Wednesday night was a critical turning point in the fight to achieve quality, affordable health care for all Americans. Reform is within reach if we stay involved, work together and make our voices heard over the…
Author: Gara LaMarche
New Interactive Video Educates Latino Youth About the Program and Includes a Chance to Win a Trip to Washington
Today, NCLR is rolling out a new campaign, the Social Security VideoQuiz, to educate Latino youth about Social Security and what it means for them and their families. Social Security supports workers when they retire or if they become disabled, and if a parent dies,…
Author: National Council of La Raza