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Integrating Youth Services
By Sam Scott. Al and Marshae Rivera keep their home stocked with candy—all the better to stop their kids from venturing out to buy some themselves. No one knows better than they do that in East Oakland, Calif., even short trips can turn violent. Their…
Author: Stanford Social Innovation Review
Community Schools: A Model for the Middle Grades
By Josefina Alvarado-Mena, Chris Brown, Nicole Johnson, & Frank Mirabal Expanding the number of community schools is no longer a goal that can be left on the periphery of school reform. No academic standards, tests, or school-based interventions will ever be able to completely mitigate…
Author: Education Week
Alameda County Health Clinic Network for Neediest
Karen Gersten-Rothenberg, director of Havenscourt Health Center, talks with Carlos Aguilar and his mother. Photo: Lea Suzuki, The Chronicle By Stephanie M. Lee Getting blood drawn should have been an easy part of Selesi Alatini’s checkup. But on this day, the nurses at Havenscourt Health…
Author: San Francisco Chronicle
Nursing and Dental Faculty and Students Engage in Oakland School-Based Clinics
Karen Duderstadt with students at James Madison Middle School (photo by Elisabeth Fall) By Martha Ross Two eighth-graders come running into the health clinic at James Madison Middle School in East Oakland. The boys have an emergency of sorts. They want to know if they can borrow…
Author: UCSF Science of Caring
Oakland middle schools get $15 million
Original Source Seven middle schools in Oakland’s neediest areas will receive $15 million for an initiative to give students the extra help they need to graduate from high school and lead healthy lives, The Atlantic Philanthropies, an international foundation, announced Monday. The grant will allow…
UCSF Works to Improve Lives of Oakland Middle-School Students
The Havenscourt Health Center recently opened in an Oakland middle school to serve youth and families as part of the Elev8 project. UCSF, the Oakland Unified School District and an array of community-based partners are embarking on a quest to improve the lives of disadvantaged…
Author: UCSF
The Moral Case for Change
By Gara LaMarche. Note: This article is adapted from a speech by Gara LaMarche called “The Moral Life of Philanthropy,” given at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in September 2010. You can read the full speech here In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White…
Author: Yes! Magazine
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
This column is adapted from Gara LaMarche’s address with this title given recently at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965, Bill Moyers, then a young White House aide, talked with President Lyndon Johnson about a pending bill to provide retroactive Social Security payments. …
Author: Gara LaMarche
Bringing Everyone to the Table to Eradicate School Discipline Disparities
By Allison Brown and Kavitha Mediratta Representatives from Open Society Foundations and The Atlantic Philanthropies discuss philanthropy’s role in school discipline reform. This article was originally published in VUE magazine. Download the PDF > VUE website > The Atlantic Philanthropies funded the work of the Positive…
Author: VUE
The Caring Majority: Dignity for Older Adults and Those Who Care for Them
Maryann Jacob Macias, Atlantic’s Associate Programme Executive in the United States. All older adults have a right to quality care. Atlantic has a long history of supporting policies and standards to better address the needs of the growing population of older adults in the U.S.…
Author: Maryann Jacob Macias, Associate Programme Executive at The Atlantic Philanthropies