Results List
Aurora chosen for national senior care project
Aurora Health Care was one of six sites chosen by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University to participate in a program to shape health care for senior citizens nationwide. Through the Medicare Innovations Collaborative, Aurora Health Care will provide technical expertise…
Author: The Business Journal of Milwaukee
Tricky Road Ahead for Innovation Fund
Original source Teach for America and Grantmakers for Education are Atlantic grantees. By Erik W. Robelen Federal education officials will face a variety of obstacles in running a $650 million innovation fund, from an expected flood of applications and concern about favoritism in picking winners,…
Author: Education Week
Inspiring Miami-Dade middle schoolers is young teachers' goal
Original Source and Video Breakthrough Collaborative is an Atlantic grantee. BY SUSANA MONTES-DELGADO In her black shirt, jeans and sneakers on campus, one might mistake 20-year-old Yamile Rodriguez for a student. No, she’s a teacher. Rodriguez, a college junior from Hialeah, gave up her summer…
Report rips state's vote readiness Coffman disputes concerns, says counties prepared
by Myung Oak Kim Colorado is poorly prepared to handle electronic voting machine failures on Election Day, according to a national report issued Thursday. The report gave Colorado low marks because state regulations don’t say exactly how poll workers should address voting terminal malfunctions and…
Author: Rocky Mountain News (Denver, CO)
Push to register felons to vote could aid Obama
by DIONNE WALKER and MIKE BAKER Undaunted by the heat, James Bailey spent his late-summer afternoons walking Virginia’s bleakest neighborhoods on the hunt for ex-cons each a potential voter who might cast the decisive ballot in this hotly contested state. Finding them isn’t the hard…
Author: The Associated Press State & Local Wire
Organization That Promotes Public Service by Older People to Break Into Two Groups
by Suzanne Perry Experience Corps, a program that recruits older people to mentor and tutor inner-city schoolchildren, is preparing to break away from its parent group, Civic Ventures, and establish itself as an independent charity. Experience Corps, which has grown from a pilot project in…
Author: Chronicle of Philanthropy
Donating, With Care
Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home Donating, With Care Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home By Kathleen Day Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, November 19, 2006; F01 Americans give generously, but that charitable spirit recently has been…
Author: Washington Post
Atlantic Philanthropies is on its way to spending itself out of existence
By Arthur Beesley John Healy seems more like a university professor than a man who has been in command of a Bermuda-based financial colossus with assets in excess of $4 billion (€3.12 billion). What is more, he is charged with giving all that money away…
Author: The Irish Times
Audacious Philanthropy
Image: Christopher Corr / Getty Images By Susan Wolf Ditkoff and Abe Grindle Private philanthropists have helped propel some of the most important social-impact success stories of the past century: Virtually eradicating polio globally. Providing free and reduced-price lunches for all needy schoolchildren in the United…
Author: Harvard Business Review
DC Civil Rights Organizations Fail to Represent Education Civil Rights Agenda
By Judith Browne Dianis, John H. Jackson and Pedro Noguera In recent weeks, a few national civil rights organizations including the National Council of La Raza, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the League of United Latin American Citizens and National Urban…
Author: The Hill