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Stephen McConnell Appointed to Advocacy and Policy Position With The Atlantic Philanthropies Ageing Program
New York, June 9, 2008 — Stephen McConnell, currently Vice President for Advocacy and Public Policy at the Alzheimer’s Association, will join The Atlantic Philanthropies to lead its Ageing Program’s policy and advocacy work in the U.S. As Ageing Program Policy and Advocacy Program Executive,…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
How Long Should Gifts Just Grow?
As nonprofit institutions have seen donations and investments grow spectacularly in recent years, the urge to keep the money rolling in is being supplemented by a new pressure: make it flow out faster. Politicians, consultants, watchdog groups and even some philanthropists say that foundations, universities,…
Author: New York Times
Donating, With Care
Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home Donating, With Care Now More Cautious, Some Are Keeping Philanthropy Closer to Home By Kathleen Day Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, November 19, 2006; F01 Americans give generously, but that charitable spirit recently has been…
Author: Washington Post
The Atlantic Philanthropies-University of Queensland Vietnamese Scholarship Programme Experience: Stepping Stone and Personal Transformation
By Trevor Grigg The scholarship programme and its objectives Over the period 2000 to 2006, The Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) funded The University of Queensland’s Vietnam Coursework Masters and Doctoral Development Scholarship Programs, with grants totalling AUD 17 million. The primary objective of the programmes was:…
Author: The Association of Commonwealth Universities Blog
Could Foundations Have Mounted a Better Defense of the ACA?
By Michael Booth It came sometime after the “You lie!” outburst and the false claims of “death panels,” but before two potentially fatal US Supreme Court decisions and sixty-seven consecutive votes to repeal in the US House of Representatives. In hindsight, President Obama’s signing of…
Author: Health Affairs Blog
Commitment to Service, Volunteerism
COMMITMENT TO SERVICE, VOLUNTEERISM; COMMITTEE: HOUSE EDUCATION AND LABORCQ Congressional Testimony Statement of Harris Wofford Former Senator United States Committee on House Education and Labor February 25, 2009 Let me first thank Chairman Miller and Ranking Member McKeon for convening this hearing on national service and…
Author: CQ Congressional Testimony
12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement
Joseph Coughlin describes his work as “trying to get people to ‘age cool.’ ” More specifically, as director of AgeLab, a research program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is pushing advances in transportation, health care and housing off drawing boards and into older…
Author: Wall Street Journal
New Senior Staff Hires Strengthen Atlantic for Social Justice Mission and Spending Down Assets
I don’t usually use this space for organisational announcements, but we have recently made three new appointments to Atlantic’s senior staff, who together bring enormous strengths to our mission and each of whom illustrates something important about where the foundation is going in its final…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Hurricane Fund for the Elderly Formed to Assist Older Adults in the Gulf Coast Region
Hurricane Fund for the Elderly Formed to Assist Older Adults in the Gulf Coast Region The federal Administration on Aging (AoA) has called upon the nation’s leading aging organizations to provide much needed assistance to older adults affected by the recent hurricanes. In response to…
Author: Grantmakers in Aging (GIA)