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Denying Antiretrovirals To Migrants Hurts Us All
Original Source Interview with Joanna Vearey, Forced Migration Project, Univ. of Witswatersrand JOHANNESBURG, Jul 15 (IPS) – South Africa has become a destination for people from across the continent and beyond. But in spite of migrants having a legal right to free antiretroviral treatment (ART)…
Author: Inter Press Service (Johannesburg)
Call to ban magistrates from sending minor offenders to jail
by Christopher Hope MAGISTRATES should be banned from handing out custodial sentences for non-violent minor offences, a report says today. The study says Britain’s jails are full to bursting because too many offenders are being sent to prison for lesser offences like burglary. The report…
Author: The Daily Telegraph (London)
Obama's No-Brainer on Education
Moderates would respond to a Democrat willing to slip the ideological stranglehold of a liberal interest group. Original Source by Jonathan Alter One of the best things about the democratic primaries was that horse-race-obsessed reporters rarely asked the candidates about education. Why was that good?…
Author: Newsweek
The Center for After-School Excellence Graduates First Class of After-School Educators
Original Source The after-school field in New York took an important step toward boosting the success of kids who attend after-school and summer programs citywide. In a first for New York City, 72 after-school educators who work with kids in all five boroughs studied this…
Author: The Center for After-School Excellence
Pressed by legislator, nonprofit foundations agree to invest in minority-led organizations
Original Source By Aurelio Rojas Faced with legislation that would require them to disclose their ethnic composition and detail grants awarded to minority organizations, 10 of California’s largest foundations agreed Monday to a multimillion-dollar, multiyear investment in minority communities. In return, Assemblyman Joe Coto, D-San…
Author: The Sacramento Bee
Is There an 'Encore' Career In Your Future?
Original Source By ROBERT POWELL MarketWatch An estimated 6% to 9.5% of Americans ages 44 to 70, or as many as 5.3 million to 8.4 million people, are working in what are called “encore” careers — careers that provide not just income but also purpose…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
Older Workers Find 'Encore Careers' Helping Others
18 Jun 2008 Original Source The most common jobs for people who work after age 65 are in the retail industry. But a survey released today says that baby boomers are changing that stereotype by finding jobs that not only pay the bills but provide…
Author: U.S. News
Summer job market especially tough for poor kids
Original Source By ELLEN SIMON, AP Business Writer When Theodor Gervais was 14, he took a summer job selling cell phone covers in Brooklyn for $100 a month, sitting at a table outside a phone store in what he describes as “somewhat of a bad…
Author: Associated Press
25 Million American Adults Are Underinsured, Report Finds
Original Source The number of underinsured American adults – those with health insurance but high medical expenses relative to their incomes – rose 60 percent between 2003 and 2007, a new report from the Commonwealth Fund finds. The report, How Many Are Uninsured? Trends Among…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Island to observe Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Saturday
Original Source by Owain Johnston-Barnes Abuse of seniors will not be tolerated in Bermuda, the Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation vowed yesterday. Dale Butler was speaking in advance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, this Sunday, and he also praised the work of the…
Author: The Royal Gazette