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Opinion: Philanthropy Needs to Promote Real Change in Education
Original Source By Marc S. Tucker We pay more per pupil for our elementary- and secondary-education system than any other industrialized country except Switzerland, yet the United States ranks near the bottom in performance. For the price they pay, Americans should expect the learning equivalent…
Author: Chronicle of Philanthropy
2009 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: U.S. Education
Original Source In his first annual letter, Bill Gates talks about his work at the foundation and speaks candidly about what has gone well, what hasn’t, and what we are learning along with our partners. 2009 Annual Letter from Bill Gates: U.S. Education I…
Author: Bill Gates Foundation
KIPP seeks elementary
New pupils unready for middle school Original Source By Sara Neufeld Sun reporter The Knowledge is Power Program, which operates the highest-performing middle school in Baltimore, is seeking approval to open a new charter elementary school in the city next year, officials announced yesterday. The…
Author: The Baltimore Sun
Charter Schools' Big Experiment
New Orleans’s Post-Katrina Test May Offer Lessons for Ailing Systems Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer NEW ORLEANS The storm that swamped this city three years ago also effectively swept away a public school system with a dismal record and faint prospects…
Author: The Washington Post
New Orleans School Making Progress After Storm
STEVE INSKEEP, host: Schools in New Orleans are approaching the end of the first real academic year since Hurricane Katrina. Some schools still struggle to cope with broken infrastructure; new students returning in the middle of the year; the inability to serve hot lunches; and…
Author: WNYC: NPR Morning Edition
Cover: The 25 Best Givers
With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The KIPP Foundation is an Atlantic grantee. By Suzanne McGee. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN PHILANTHROPY this year is to make your dollars go far —…
Author: Barron's
KIPP featured on NBC Nightly News
KIPP, Knowledge Is Power Program, is an Atlantic grantee. Last night NBC Nightly News aired a segment on KIPP as part of their “What Works” series. Below are the links to the NBC clips. Actual Clip from NBC: Dave Levin talks KIPP: Erin…
Author: KIPP
Ivy League Aspirations
Getting fifth graders to think about college seems a little goofy. But it’s key to the prospects of the next generation. Original Source by Jay Mathews One hot summer day in 2001, Susan Schaeffler, a 30-year-old D.C. teacher, was in the basement of an Anacostia…
Author: Newsweek
KIPP Success Cited, With Caveats
A review of research on the high-profile KIPP network finds promising academic results compared with traditional public schools, though it argues that “popular accounts” have at times overhyped the schools’ apparent success. Students who enter and stay in the Knowledge Is Power Program schools tend…
Author: Education Week
KIPP Co-Founder David Levin on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report
Link to Episode Video On Wednesday, October 1, 2008, Dave Levin, Co-Founder of KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program) appeared on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report. Click on the link above to watch the episode. Dave Levin appears in the third segment. KIPP is a national…
Author: The Colbert Report