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Statue of liberty?
By Juliet Lyon It took the US prison population less than 40 years to rise from 300,000 in 1972 to 2.3 million people. America has become the undisputed global leader in the rate at which it imprisons its citizens, easily outdistancing other high incarcerators such…
Author: The Guardian
The Billionaire Who Wasn’t
Today in New York, the worlds of publishing and philanthropy mark an unusual event:the launch of a biography of Atlantic’s founder, Charles F. Feeney. It’s unusual because Chuck Feeney has spent his whole life avoiding the spotlight, even going to the lengths of originally setting…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Spreading the wealth
Chuck Feeney has given most of his vast fortune to charities while steering clear of the limelight. Irish people should follow his lead, writes Colin McCrea, who is a vice-president of his organisation. Unseen and unheard – and that’s just the way he wanted it…
Author: Sunday Business Post
One Life to Give
Conor O’Cleary interviews Chuck Feeney about his philosophy of giving. Irish America 12-01-2003 Chuck Feeney has just put into practice something he had been considering for many years. He has decided that all the vast wealth he accumulated in his lifetime should be given away…
Author: Irish America
Audacious Philanthropy
Image: Christopher Corr / Getty Images By Susan Wolf Ditkoff and Abe Grindle Private philanthropists have helped propel some of the most important social-impact success stories of the past century: Virtually eradicating polio globally. Providing free and reduced-price lunches for all needy schoolchildren in the United…
Author: Harvard Business Review
Value Our Elders and Those Who Care for Them: A Message from the White House Conference on Aging
By Ai-jen Poo Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, which will swiftly be followed by the 50th anniversaries of Medicare and Medicaid, and the 80th anniversary of Social Security. Yesterday, I was honored to join hundreds at the White House Conference…
Author: Huffington Post
Study on Bermuda’s girls is needed
The below Royal Gazette article looks at how findings from a new report about unemployed young Black Bermudian men and the gender gap in educational attainment, “Out of School and On the Wall,” led its co-author Dr. Jethwani-Keyser to discover that there was a need for more in-depth analysis on…
Author: The Royal Gazette
Vivien Labaton Appointed Director of Strategic Programme Initiatives at The Atlantic Philanthropies
New York, June 9, 2009 Vivien Labaton has been appointed Director of Strategic Programme Initatives at The Atlantic Philanthropies effective May 28, 2009. Labaton will work with Atlantic’s four programs in seven countries to develop and implement their grantmaking strategies to achieve social justice and…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
WOW Works with Obama Administration to Advocate for Women and Families
Following the U.S. Presidential Election, Atlantic grantee Wider Opportunities for Women has worked with the Obama Transition Team to advocate on a number of issues related to work, women and family. In late 2008, as a result of a letter to the President-Elect regarding priorities for his first 100…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies