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Encore --- In Search of a Purpose: Marc Freedman thinks 'encore careers' can help baby boomers -- and the country
With retirement for many Americans now expected to stretch out 20 or 30 years, the question arises: How best to fill that time? Perhaps the answer is an “encore career.” That’s the hope of Marc Freedman, founder and chief executive officer of Civic Ventures, a…
Author: Wall Street Journal
Viet Nam Journal: Over 11 Years, Atlantic Grants Help Spur a Country’s Transformation in Health
Several of the staff of the Hue Central Hospital were kind enough to come to work last Sunday morning to give my Atlantic colleagues and me a tour of what has become a world-class facility in the ten years since our Founding Chairman, Chuck Feeney,…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Research aims to help more than 3,000 young carers
NUI Galway is an Atlantic grantee. by LORNA SIGGINS Western Correspondent MORE THAN 3,000 Irish teenagers between the ages of 15 and 17 are caring for parents or relatives, according to recent Census figures. However, new research commissioned from NUI Galway (NUIG) by the Minister of State…
Author: The Irish Times
Services cannot cope with number of youths seeking help
by CARL OBRIEN HUNDREDS OF children and adolescents in crisis who need counselling and support are being turned away from services because they cannot cope with demand. Crosscare, the social care agency of the Dublin Diocese, said it was unable to deal with about…
Author: The Irish Times
Help for the Helpers
OUR VIEW: AS BALTIMORE’S EXPERIENCE SUGGESTS, A NEW NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM WOULD OFFER DIVIDENDS ACROSS THE AGES 27 Sep 2008 When Shirley Cherry was helping out at Guilford Elementary School a couple of years ago, a boy spoke rudely to her, and his teacher made…
Author: The Baltimore Sun
Spec. Ed. Is Funding Early Help
by Christina A. Samuels Bit by bit, the U.S. Department of Education is trying to pull down the walls that have traditionally separated general and special education. One facet of the plan is the department’s support of response to intervention, or RTI, an educational technique…
Author: Education Week
Obamacare’s Special Enrollment Period Could Help Youth Signups
Young adults, like these keg standers, could be more likely to qualify for Obamacare’s special enrollment periods. (Photo: By Jason Millman Obamacare open enrollment may finally be over, but the opportunities to sign up for coverage aren’t. Some people may qualify for special enrollment…
Author: The Washington Post
Empower people to help themselves
By Jay Naidoo. I WOULD like to recommend that we think of philanthropy not simply as a means of “giving back”, but as a means of ‘giving forward’. Taken this way, philanthropy can be seen as a means to promote the stability of African society…
Author: Philanthropy SA
Drummond: Finding solutions to help high school dropouts
By Tammerlin Drummond In Oakland and in other cities around the country, students have been dropping out of high school in droves. The numbers for African-Americans are especially dire: Those leaving school versus those graduating have been virtually neck and neck. That was before the…
Author: Oakland Tribune
Help for Older Adults with Vision Problems
Older adults with vision problems but limited finances may qualify for free or low-cost benefits by visiting a Web site set up by the National Council on Aging and EyeCare America. The seniors or their caregivers go to and fill out a questionnaire; they…
Author: St. Petersburg Times (Florida)