Results List
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: May 2012
The Just and Fair Schools Fund supports grassroots organising initiatives that work to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices – and that uphold the right to education for all youth. Our newsletter shares updates on parent- and youth-led victories, partner spotlights, news, and resources to promote positive…
Author: Just and Fair Schools Fund
Young People Are Not Invincible
by Bob Crittenden, M.D. Co-authored with Aaron Smith, co-founder and executive director of Young Invincibles With the fate of our health care system on the line, one would think that the Supreme Court would base their decisions on clear facts and objective data on the monumental issues…
Author: The Huffington Post
KidsWell Campaign Launches Website and Online Resource Hub for Health Reform Implementation
New York, June 29, 2011. KidsWell, a campaign dedicated to the successful implementation of federal health reform for America’s children, launched, a website monitoring state and national health care reform implementation and opposition across the country. Drawing on a growing repository of more than…
Author: Kidswell
The Great Give Away
When you have as much money as Bill Gates, you have to work damn hard to get rid of it. At least if you want to disposeof it wisely. So in May the Microsoft founder, whose fortune is estimated at $53 billion (¤40 billion), was…
Author: Sunday Times
Where the Billions Will Go
By Tom Watson. The pledge by Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, and other billionaires to give away large parts of their fortunes leaves a question: Where will the money go? There’s a new solicitor general in this country and his name is Warren Buffett.…
Author: The Daily Beast
What We Learned From Health Care
By Gara LaMarche. In March, I was honored to watch President Obama’s bill signing for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with a group of labor leaders and reform activists. Around me were advocates who had worked for months — in some cases decades…
Author: The Huffington Post
ATLANTIC EVENTS: The Historic Passage of Health Care Reform
Doug Mills/The New York Times The Historic Passage of Health Care Reform in The United States: How Did We Get There and What Lies Ahead? DATE Wednesday, May 19, 2010TIME 3:30 PM – 5:30 PMLOCATION The Atlantic Philanthropies, 75 Varick Street, 16th Floor, NYC REGISTRATIONSpace is limited; please RSVP online.…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Implementing the New Health Care Law and What it Means for Children
Although the benefits from the newly signed health care bill won’t be available until 2014, implementation efforts are already underway. To better understand how the new law will be implemented and what it means for children, GCYF partnered with First Focus to host a webinar to…
Author: Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
Long-term care threatens to sap seniors' savings
AARP is an Atlantic grantee. by Bob Moos Kay Paggi has been the bearer of bad news more times than she cares to remember. The senior-care coordinator has helped hundreds of Dallas families find long-term care for frail parents. Almost always, they think Medicare will…
Author: The Dallas Morning News
Charitable Relations
Philanthropy adapts to the Obama era. Original Source by Lauren Foster Last November, two weeks after Barack Obama was elected president, Gara LaMarche took to the podium at the annual meeting of Southern California Grantmakers. The president and chief executive of The Atlantic Philanthropies was…
Author: The American Prospect