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Americans of All Ages Are Ready for Citizen Service: Are Politicians Ready to Lead Them?
This morning Senators John McCain and Barack Obama suspended their intense competition for the Presidency to visit Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, in tribute to those who lost their lives on a brilliantly sunny New York morning seven years ago today. And tonight they will…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Revolutionising Research and Higher Education
In a recent Irish Times article, Conor O’Clery tells the story of how, in the late 1990s, Atlantic struck a deal with the Irish Government to jointly invest in post-graduate research. Back then, Atlantic Founding Chairman Chuck Feeney envisioned a quantum leap to help create a knowledge…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
An Irishman's Diary
By Conor O’Clery. THE OTHER DAY I saw a man wearing a tie. I had never seen this man wearing a tie before, although he is 79 years old. I have travelled the world with him, eaten out in his company in cities as far…
Author: The Irish Times
World's greatest Irishman honoured
Tributes to billionaire who’s giving away bis fortune THE MUSEUM of Natural History in New York was a splendid setting for an extraordinary event on Tuesday night as more than 1,000 people paid tribute to one of the most remarkable human beings on the planet.…
Author: The Irish Daily Star
The ‘Giving While Living’ Superhero
Chuck Feeney is the biggest philanthropist people know nothing about. The reclusive former billionaire not only decided to give away all his wealth in his own lifetime, but also leads a life of disarming simplicity. By N Mahalakshmi Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do…
Author: Outlook Business
The billionaire who selflessly and quietly gave it all away
by Kristin Romano Charles “Chuck” Feeney has amassed billions of dollars in wealth. However, he doesn’t own an opulent house, a car or a Rolex. He prefers taking cabs, riding the subway, or just walking when he’s in New York. He flies economy, even on…
Author: Irish America
Couple having a blast "giving while living"
Cornell University is an Atlantic grantee. By ARLENE FINE, Senior Staff Reporter Jane and Lee Seidman made headlines last week for pledging $6 million to Cleveland Clinic’s Hillcrest Hospital to help fund a new 72-bed patient tower at the Mayfield Heights hospital. This donation is…
Author: Cleveland Jewish News
The Billionaire Who Wasn’t
Today in New York, the worlds of publishing and philanthropy mark an unusual event:the launch of a biography of Atlantic’s founder, Charles F. Feeney. It’s unusual because Chuck Feeney has spent his whole life avoiding the spotlight, even going to the lengths of originally setting…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Atlantic Founding Chairman Grants Speed Medical Research and Collaboration on Several Continents
Since coming to Atlantic a few years ago, I’ve become aware, on an almost daily basis, of the enormous impact that this formerly anonymous foundation has had over the years across a range of areas and geographies. One part of the story that should be more widely…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Research Links Poor Kids' Stress, Brain Impairment
Original Source By Rob Stein Washington Post Staff Writer Children raised in poverty suffer many ill effects: They often have health problems and tend to struggle in school, which can create a cycle of poverty across generations. Now, research is providing what could be crucial clues…
Author: The Washington Post