Results List
On ‘The Case for Big Government’
By Gara LaMarche. It’s bold of Jeff Madrick, a journalist who writes about economics in The New York Review of Books and elsewhere, to title this book “The Case for Big Government.” Despite the colossal failures of government in recent years — from the inadequate…
Author: Brennan Center for Justice
Kennedy Addresses School Reform at the Center for American Progress
Kennedy Discusses Benefits of Expanded Learning Time and the Massachusetts Model Washington, D.C. Today, Senator Edward M. Kennedy discussed the critical importance of improving student performance and closing the achievement gaps for all students through expanding time for learning and enrichment at the Center for…
Author: American Chronicle
The Atlantic Philanthropies Makes New Grants to Cornell
By Jose Beduya The Atlantic Philanthropies, created by Charles F. Feeney ’56, made its very first grant in 1982 to Cornell University. By the end of this year, the foundation will conclude its grant-making, realizing the full impact of the foundation’s largesse within its founder’s…
Author: Cornell University
The Importance of Letting Go
By Amy Celep & Sara Brenner On the heels of midterm elections, one debate we can anticipate is whether the Latino vote mattered—that is, whether the participation of Latinos significantly influenced election results. According to Pew Research Center, Latinos—for the first time—made up 11 percent of…
Author: Stanford Social innovation Review
First Named Professorship Established at John Jay With Funding From Ford Foundation and Atlantic
Renowned Scholar Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff is appointed as Franklin A. Thomas Professor in Policing Equity Dr. Phillip Atiba GoffNew York, NY – President Jeremy Travis of John Jay College announced the establishment of the Franklin A. Thomas Professorship in Policing Equity, created with $2.5…
Author: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Obama risks losing liberals with talk of cutting budget
By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Peter Wallsten President Obama faces a growing rebellion on the left as he courts independent voters and Republicans with his vision for reducing the nation’s debt by cutting government spending and restraining the costs of federal health insurance programs. Key…
Author: The Washington Post
Are Well-Off Progressives Standing in the Way of a Real Movement for Economic Justice?
By Alyssa Battistoni Many progressives are affluent and well-educated. Does their elite status stand in the way of a movement to fight attacks on the working class? Over the past few years, it’s become an article of faith among progressives that we’re living through a…
Author: AlterNet
Community Organizing Never Looked So Good
Original Source The Center for Community Change is an Atlantic grantee. By SARA RIMER CAMBRIDGE, Mass. QUINN RALLINS, 23, graduated magna cum laude last year from Morehouse College with a dual major in international studies and Spanish. This spring, Mr. Rallins is finishing his master’s degree in…
Author: The New York Times
South Africa Journal: Engaged Activism Bends the Arc Toward Hope
I returned this weekend from an extended visit to South Africa, where Atlantic has long been engaged in supporting organisations and leaders working on human rights, reconciliation and health issues. Ordinarily in a column, I try to drill down on some particular aspect of our…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Could Foundations Have Mounted a Better Defense of the ACA?
By Michael Booth It came sometime after the “You lie!” outburst and the false claims of “death panels,” but before two potentially fatal US Supreme Court decisions and sixty-seven consecutive votes to repeal in the US House of Representatives. In hindsight, President Obama’s signing of…
Author: Health Affairs Blog