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Invest in families to keep kids in school
Original Source By Chris Fitzsimon Speaker Joe Hackney presided at a news conference with fellow House Democrats Tuesday to announce that the lawmakers were renewing their commitment made two years ago to improve the state’s high school graduation rate, though Hackney acknowledged that it’s not…
Author: The Carrboro Citizen
Families Wrestle With Closing Foundations
By Sally Beatty Wealthy families are setting up new philanthropic foundations in increasing numbers, but they are also shutting them down at an accelerating pace. Some of the biggest names in philanthropy are backing the idea of setting a time limit on their giving: The…
Author: Wall Street Journal
Obama Pledge Stirs Hope in Early Education
by SAM DILLON CHICAGO — It was the morning after the presidential election, and Matthew Melmed, executive director of Zero to Three, a national organization devoted to early childhood education, could barely contain his exultation. Mr. Melmed fired off an e-mail message to his board…
Author: The New York Times
KidsWell Campaign Launches Website and Online Resource Hub for Health Reform Implementation
New York, June 29, 2011. KidsWell, a campaign dedicated to the successful implementation of federal health reform for America’s children, launched, a website monitoring state and national health care reform implementation and opposition across the country. Drawing on a growing repository of more than…
Author: Kidswell
Centers and Mentors Team Up to Unlock Dreams
Original Source The sound of a prison door slamming shut reverberates well beyond America’s correctional facilities—it impacts the children of incarcerated parents across the country. To help these children cope and prevent the cycle of incarceration, gospel singer and minister Wintley Phipps founded the U.S. Dream…
Correcting Bush's Math on Afterschool for Kids
From time to time, Atlantic Currents will be written by my colleagues at Atlantic and by the staff of organisations we support. This week, two programme executives with Atlantic’s U.S. Children & Youth Programme, Nicole Gallant and Marisha Wignaraja, share their thoughts about the importance…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Research Forum on Quality After-School Programs for Middle School Students
In November, 2007 the Center sponsored the second in an on-going series of research forums in which after-school practitioners learn from leading scholars about pressing issues in their field. The topic was achieving quality and maximizing outcomes for middle school students who attend after-school programs.…
Author: The Center for After-School Excellence
No more lunch bills: Schools go after deadbeats
Original Source By Susan Montoya Bryan, Associated Press Writer ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – A cold cheese sandwich, fruit and a milk carton might not seem like much of a meal — but that’s what’s on the menu for students in New Mexico’s largest school district without…
Author: AP / Yahoo News
In summer, kids needn't take a vacation from learning
by Bill Stanczykiewicz Summer slides are supposed to be found on playgrounds and in water parks. But new research warns of a “summer slide” that has life-long negative effects on low-income children and youth. According to the Center for Summer Learning, two-thirds of the academic…
Author: The Indianapolis Star
Big Brothers Big Sisters Says 'Thank you' to the Mentoring Network's Volunteers and Supporters
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Big Brothers Big Sisters will take time to recognize and thank its mentors and donors during National Volunteer Week 2009 (April 19-25) as record numbers of volunteer inquiries are creating an increased demand for money to mentor more children. Big Brothers Big…
Author: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America