Results List
Foundation Joins Effort to Tap Boomer Experience
by Kate Parmelee In the ’60s, Boomers helped change the world. As the first generation of Boomers enters their 60s, will they do it again? National research is showing that as the baby boomer generation ages many want to work, learn and volunteer in ways…
Rockefeller Foundation Launches $100 Million Initiative to Strengthen Health Systems in Africa, Asia
The New York City-based Rockefeller Foundation has announced a five-year, $100 million initiative to expand health coverage in Africa and Asia and provide new health and financial protections for all. Through the initiative, Transforming Health Systems, the foundation and its partners will work to establish more accessible,…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Stepping Up To The Lifetime Giving Challenge
By Betsy Brill. Last month Bill Gates and Warren Buffett issued a call to action to their fellow billionaires to publicly pledge at least half of their fortunes to philanthropy. The “Giving Pledge” initiative has already triggered generous responses from high-profile donors. In response, Eli…
Author: Forbes
SAGE Announces $1.5 Million in New Funding from The Calamus Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies for New Strategic Plan
Calamus Gives One of the Largest Grants in Its History to SAGE. CORRECTION: Please note the release distributed on Tuesday, December 9th was in error. The Atlantic Philanthropies grant to SAGE was not the Foundation’s first gift to an LGBT organization. Please use the corrected…
Author: SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders)
Pittsburgh Foundation's new plan embraces advocacy
By Bill Zlatos The Pittsburgh Foundation is broadening its grantmaking — delving into the environment and advocacy — so it can become more of a community leader. “The public face of The Pittsburgh Foundation has been youthful, curious, positive, optimistic and exuberant — a kind…
Author: Pittsburgh Tribune Review
Gates, Broad foundations stop contributing to election-awareness campaign on education
by Clay Holtzman, Staff Writer About 16 months ago, Bill Gates and fellow billionaire Eli Broad teamed up to make education reform a top issue in the 2008 presidential election. With a pledge to spend up to $60 million, the two influential philanthropists launched a…
Author: Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle)
Irish billionaire inspires Warren Buffet, Bill Gates to give it all away
By Cathy Hayes Irish American billionaire Chuck Feeney has been praised by Warren Buffett among the world’s richest men as the person who has inspired a ‘giving while living’ pledge by scores of billionaires who have pledged to give away the majority of their fortunes…
Author: Irish Central
Ford Foundation to Close Offices in Russia, Vietnam
Original Source After seeing the value of its endowment fall by nearly a third in 2008, the Ford Foundation has announced that it will close its offices in Moscow and Hanoi in order to cut costs, the Wall Street Journal reports. The moves will result…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Researchers Examine Foundation Expectations for Giving in 2009
Original Source The New York City-based Foundation Center has released a new research advisory that examines how foundations expect their 2009 giving to be affected by the economic downturn. The advisory, Grantmakers Describe the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Their Giving (4 pages, PDF), looks at…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
What Is the Most Daring, Audacious, and Successful Grant of the Past 100 Years?
A symposium of philanthropic leaders To mark the 100th anniversary of the Carnegie Corporation, we asked several philanthropic leaders about the most audacious grants of the past century—and what grants made today will be talked about 100 years hence. —THE EDITORS * * * Ted Turner’s shock…
Author: Philanthropy Magazine