Results List
University challenge
It took many years of lobbying before Limerick got a third level institution. As UL celebrates 20 years of university status, key figures recall the joy and the struggle. Anne Sheridan reports. 28 May 2009 ON THURSDAY, June 1, 1989, the University of Limerick bill…
Author: Limerick Leader
Sharing Education Programme, Northern Ireland
The Reconciliation and Human Rights Programme in Northern Ireland supports work to enable collaboration and sharing amongst the 95% of school children who are educated in religiously segregated provision. The Sharing Education Programme (SEP), which is jointly funded by the International Fund for Ireland, and…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Ireland’s Economic Problems – No Excuse to Send Human Rights into Recession
For many around the world, Ireland in the last ten years or so has represented two things: first, a strong voice for human rights and justice, from Presidents like Mary Robinson to prominent private citizens like Bono. And second, a powerful economic success story: the…
Author: Gara LaMarche
The Kindness of Strangers
Original Source NEW PHILANTROPISTS: Times are tough, not least for fund-raisers, but the president of the Ireland Funds, Kingsley Aikins, reminds SUSAN MCKAY of the old mantra: Philanthropy is about the three Ts: ‘time, treasure and talent’. Everyone, he says, can afford to give at…
Author: The Irish Times
Bringing light to the interface
Interface Communities Come Together for First Christmas Carol Service For many years the Stewartstown Road in west Belfast (Northern Ireland) was the focus for sectarian tension and violence between the small Unionist community of Suffolk and the surrounding largely Nationalist Lenadoon community. It was a…
Author: Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Group (SLIG)
Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Group Welcomes EU Parliament President
EU Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering and Northern Ireland’s Junior Ministers Gerry Kelly and Jeffrey Donaldson met with representatives from Suffolk Lenadoon Interface Group(SLIG) this week. The visit was part of a day long programme of EU funded project visits by the President and the Junior Ministers…
Human rights body says 24% cut makes it unworkable
by Carol Coulter The Human Rights Commission has sought an urgent meeting with the Department of Justice to discuss the cut of 24 per cent in its budget, which it said will leave it completely unable to perform its functions. In a statement following a…
Author: Irish Times
The Centre for Cross Border Studies Yearbook - Year 6
The Centre for Cross Border Studies, now in its 6th Year of operation, has had another busy and productive twelve months. Under the leadership of director Andy Pollak, the Centre’s expanded team has taken on a range of new challenges. These range from a major…
Author: The Centre for Cross Border Studies
Merger of five rights bodies in doubt
by DEAGLAN de BREADUN SERIOUS DOUBT has arisen over proposals to merge five human rights and equality bodies as a costsaving measure in the forthcoming budget. There are strong indications that the merger will either be abandoned or else implemented in a much-modified form. High-level…
Author: Irish Times
Alzheimer's study at Queen's boosted by £228,000 grant
A Queen’s University Belfast academic has been awarded 228,000 to further his research into how Alzheimer’s disease progresses. Dr Stephen Todd who works in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Queen’s, has been announced as the only Beeson Ireland 2008 scholar after a transatlantic panel…
Author: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News