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Embracing History to Make History
Clark College, one of five U.S. mentor colleges in the new Plus 50 Initiative, welcomes educational leaders with a visit to Fort Vancouver and a focus on history, tourism and second careers for older workers VANCOUVER, Wash. A visit to Fort Vancouver may result in…
Author: Clark College / Plus 50 Initiative
Plus 50 Initiative to expand to meet training demands
The Plus 50 Initiative at the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is expanding to meet the growing training and career development demands of older individuals who may have to prolong retirement or go back to work because of the tough economy. “The expansion of…
Author: Community College Times
First Named Professorship Established at John Jay With Funding From Ford Foundation and Atlantic
Renowned Scholar Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff is appointed as Franklin A. Thomas Professor in Policing Equity Dr. Phillip Atiba GoffNew York, NY – President Jeremy Travis of John Jay College announced the establishment of the Franklin A. Thomas Professorship in Policing Equity, created with $2.5…
Author: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Economy prompts shift in Plus 50
Original Source By MATTHEW DEMBICKI The slumping economy and increases in layoffs have prompted community colleges that are part of a new national initiative to engage older learners to tilt their programs for that population more toward job training than other types of programs. The…
Author: Community College Times
College Health Plan Standards Will Improve With the Rest of Health Care
By Sara Jerving College health plans vary in their quality and cost. In the past, federal and state laws have inconsistently regulated college health plans and have failed to require a basic baseline of coverage, rendering many of them insufficient. Moreover, these plans frequently discriminate…
Author: The Nation
Charter school group gets $2.6 million grant Educators: College-ready rolls will increase
by CYNTHIA HOWELL The Knowledge Is Power Program of charter schools in the Delta has received a $2.6 million grant to help open 10 more schools in four Arkansas towns by 2019. The schools would be patterned after the program’s Delta College Preparatory middle and…
Author: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock)
Gara LaMarche '76's Job Is To Give Away $4 Billion
Original Source By Thomas F. Ferguson ’74 By the time most people are 50, they have learned to spend less than they earn. Gara LaMarche ’76 has had to unlearn that rule in his job as CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, a $4 billion global…
Author: Columbia College Today Alumni Magazine May/June 2008
Evaluation Spotlight: Staying After School in College
Lessons from a university certificate program for after-school staff. 01 Oct 2008 by Erika Fitzpatrick In a mostly glowing initial review of a certificate program for after-school workers in New York City lies a dash of cold reality: the need for pathways of advancement for…
Author: YouthToday
St. Louis Community College to develop programs for students age 50+
Original Source St. Louis Community College has been chosen to participate in a new three-year program to develop models for innovative programs to reach students over age 50. The AACC Plus 50 Initiative is being sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). St.…
Author: St. Louis Business Journal
Simmons College Receives $1.8 Million to Ready New Generation of Vietnamese Librarians for Leadership Roles
Simmons to help developing nation rebuild its information and education systems BOSTON, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ — Simmons College has received $1.8 million to prepare a new generation of Vietnamese librarians for key leadership positions to run some of the country’s largest university libraries and help…
Author: PRNewswire