Results List
New ad revives call for immigration reform
by KATHLEEN HENNESSEY A pro-immigration group has launched a new televison ad campaign intended to revive discussion of immigration reform in some swing states key to the presidential race. Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together, a nonprofit that describes itself as nonpartisan, launched the campaign Thursday…
Author: Associated Press State & Local Wire
Consensus on Learning Time Builds
by Catherine Gewertz Under enormous pressure to prepare students for a successful future-and fearful that standard school hours don’t offer enough time to do so-educators, policymakers, and community activists are adding more learning time to children’s lives. This issue is hot right now, said Bela…
Author: Education Week
The Third Age: Now's the time to ponder long-term health care
Original Source By ANN GOWANS Neither presidential candidate has spoken about long-term care when discussing plans for reforming our health-care system. It seemingly is not a real issue for them. This is a bit easier to understand, perhaps, from the point of view of the…
Author: Columbia Tribune
Ambassador criticises SA's approach to Aids pandemic
Original Source by Jani Meyer SOUTH Africa has an “outstanding” HIV/Aids strategy, but the government is not sending out a comprehensive message about the disease, thereby crippling its own efforts to curb its spread. This is according to outgoing US ambassador, Eric M Bost, who…
Author: Sunday Tribune (South Africa)
Charity Cases
Social-networking phenomenon makes it easy for donors to promote their favorite causes online Original Source By PAUL B. CARROLL For most people, networking on the Web means keeping up with friends or building business contacts. Now a number of charities — and thousands of ordinary…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
Reform of Health Care Has New Ally; National Coalition to Put $40 Million; Behind Advocacy
By GUY BOULTON An array of unions and liberal activist groups in Wisconsin have joined a national coalition that plans to spend $40 million to push for health care reform, particularly universal coverage, in the coming election. The Health Care for America Now coalition, a…
Author: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel