Results List
NCOA Launches One Away Campaign for Elder Economic Security; Releases National Poll on Struggles Facing Older Adults
Campaign Uses Video to Spotlight the Problem, Calls for Change in the Older Americans Act WASHINGTON, March 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — More than 13 million older adults are considered economically insecure, living on just $21,780 a year or less. Every day, these seniors, and millions of Boomers, have to choose…
Author: PR Newswire
Not Just a Numbers Game: Budget Cuts Threaten Those Already Struggling
“Oh, I really feel we’ve been led up the garden path…We are the people that worked. We put this country on its feet, and we’re the people that are being hit every which way.” – Diane, age 81, in Dublin, Ireland Across many of the geographies…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Long-term care threatens to sap seniors' savings
AARP is an Atlantic grantee. by Bob Moos Kay Paggi has been the bearer of bad news more times than she cares to remember. The senior-care coordinator has helped hundreds of Dallas families find long-term care for frail parents. Almost always, they think Medicare will…
Author: The Dallas Morning News
Wider Opportunities for Women Announces New State Partners in the Elder Economic Security Initiative
Elder Economic Security Initiative blog WASHINGTON, D.C. Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) announces the expansion of its Elder Economic Security Initiative™ program to Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Minnesota. The Initiative is a national campaign to ensure that all older Americans are able to age…
Author: Wider Opportunities for Women
Older adults subjected to abuse or self-neglect at greater risk of mortality
Original Source: Older adults who are subjected to abuse or self-neglect face a greater risk of premature death than other seniors, according to a study published in the August 5 issue of JAMA. Moreover, contrary to widely held views that elders who are physically…
Author: Rush University Medical Center
New Center Helps States, Others Implement, Expand, Improve Participant-Directed Long-Term Care Programs
BOSTON, MA (April 6, 2009) The Boston College Graduate School of Social Work today launched a new technical assistance center that offers states the tools they need to implement a wide variety of participant-directed long-term care programs. The National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services is…
Author: Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
Mathematica to Evaluate KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program)
PRINCETON, N.J. (March 13, 2008)-Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., has been awarded a contract of approximately $4 million to evaluate the impact of KIPP (Knowledge Is Power Program). KIPP is a national network of free, open-enrollment, college preparatory public schools in underserved communities throughout the United…
Author: Mathematica
Next Avenue Website to Be Inspirational and Informative Hub for Booming 50+ Population
Visit Next Avenue > America is in the midst of an age boom. The 50+ population in America has grown from 74 million in 1999 to more than 99 million today, and is projected to be 127 million in 2030. While part can be attributed…
Author: Next Avenue
Supporting Initiatives By and For Women Is Critical To Achieving Social Justice
In their new book, “Half the Sky,” Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dunn assert that there can be no social or economic justice, or human rights progress around the world, that does not have women and girls at its core. It’s a…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Meet the man who gives the most
Few people outside of the philanthropic world know who he is, but Chuck Feeney gives more to Australia than any local business player – and he thinks this is wrong. It is difficult to tell James Packer, Rupert Murdoch, Frank Lowy and Richard Pratt that…
Author: Australian Financial Review