Results List
Responding to Economic Crisis, Plus 50 Initiative Expands to Help Older Workers
With unemployment figures on the rise and the economic recession wreaking havoc on retirement accounts, the Plus 50 Initiative at the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is spearheading a movement by community colleges to help workers age 50 and over train for new jobs…
Author: Plus 50 Initiative at the American Association of Community Colleges
Plus 50 Initiative to expand to meet training demands
The Plus 50 Initiative at the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is expanding to meet the growing training and career development demands of older individuals who may have to prolong retirement or go back to work because of the tough economy. “The expansion of…
Author: Community College Times
Community colleges take lead in retraining retirees for new jobs
The American Association of Community Colleges is developing a nationwide program to retrain the crush of adults who will want — and need — to find new work after traditional retirement age, the group will announce today. The organization, which represents 1,200 community colleges across…
Author: USA Today
Colleges reaching out to boomers
By Bob Moos Downsized and depressed, Leigh Hoes was approaching 50 and won-dering what to do with the rest of her work life. Then one day, as she leafed through a course catalog that had arrived in the mail from RichlandCollege in Dallas, the idea…
Author: Dallas Morning News
Economy prompts shift in Plus 50
Original Source By MATTHEW DEMBICKI The slumping economy and increases in layoffs have prompted community colleges that are part of a new national initiative to engage older learners to tilt their programs for that population more toward job training than other types of programs. The…
Author: Community College Times
Savvy Schools
Community colleges are taking the lead in helping older adults find new directions — and new jobs by KELLY GREENE Ted English, age 62, a restaurant owner in Rapid City, S.D., had been thinking about changing careers, perhaps taking a job in travel or tourism.…
Author: The Wall Street Journal
St. Louis Community College to develop programs for students age 50+
Original Source St. Louis Community College has been chosen to participate in a new three-year program to develop models for innovative programs to reach students over age 50. The AACC Plus 50 Initiative is being sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). St.…
Author: St. Louis Business Journal
ASP Receives $4.5 Million Grant to Support Second Phase of T. Franklin Williams Scholars Program
Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) extends funding to offer awards through 2010 Press Release Contact:Irene S. Sonu Telephone: (202) 861-6900 Email: The Association of Specialty Professors (ASP) is pleased to announce that it has received a renewal grant of $4.5 million from the Atlantic Philanthropies (USA),…
Author: Association of Specialty Professors (ASP)
Greedy geezers? Try wellspring of talent
Community colleges court baby boomers searching for new career training Original Source By MARC PARRY, Staff writer TROY — For Hope Melton, a public health professional, retirement felt like falling off a cliff. The 67-year-old from Saratoga Springs thought of pursuing a Ph.D., but that…
Author: Times Union
The Life by Design Northwest program received $200,000 from Meyer Memorial Trust to be used for engaging older adults in volunteer and nonprofit work. In February, the program received $825,000 from the Atlantic Philanthropies. The Oregon Community Foundation awarded grants totaling $633,508 to 25 Oregon…
Author: The Oregonian