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How Long Should Gifts Just Grow?
As nonprofit institutions have seen donations and investments grow spectacularly in recent years, the urge to keep the money rolling in is being supplemented by a new pressure: make it flow out faster. Politicians, consultants, watchdog groups and even some philanthropists say that foundations, universities,…
Author: New York Times
Introducing Atlantic Currents
Since the announcement a few months ago of my appointment as President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, I’ve had an unusual opportunity to hear what many people know – and don’t know – about us. Some only know that we were once the “anonymous…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Citizen Schools: An After-Hours Adventure
Professionals Mentoring Middle-Grades Students Boston Not long ago, an 8th grader from a hardscrabble neighborhood in this city decided on an ambitious career path: She would become a doctor. Many adults encouraged her, but when she spoke with a knowledgeable source, a Harvard University medical…
Author: Education Week
Health training gets R16m shot in the arm
A UNIVERSITY of Cape Town (UCT) training programme for senior public health sector officials had received a R16m shot in the arm from an international funding body, the university said yesterday. International research showed health systems across the globe lacked management capacity, especially in the…
Author: Business Day
US NGOs Fund Nearly $1.5Mln for Health Sector in Central Vietnam
Health: US NGOs Fund Nearly $1.5Mln for Health Sector in Central Vietnam Vietnam News Brief Service (c) 2006 Toan Viet Limited Company. All rights reserved. The US non-governmental organizations of East Meets West and Atlantic Philanthropies have recently funded nearly $1.5 million for eye care…
Author: Vietnam News Brief Service
UQ helps Vietnam with health records
UQ helps Vietnam with health records Published: 18 July 2006 UQ’s School of Population Health will receive more than $4 million to work with Vietnamese government and medical bodies and universities to strengthen vital health data collection and plan for future health needs. UQ health…
Author: University of Queensland, Australia