Ceremony for the Joint Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding
Resource type: News
National Hospital of Pediatrics, Viet Nam |
Between the Ministry of Health of Vietnam (MOH) and the Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) on the Reform, Expand, and Upgrade the National Hospital of Pediatrics held on 4th November 2005. This project will ensure the NHP becomes a leading pediatric hospital in Vietnam. With modern and well-equipped facilities NHP can guarantee a significant improvement in pediatric clinical and community health care services. To bring this M.O.U. into effect, the Ministry of Health and Atlantic Philanthropies have agreed to the following terms: 1. Atlantic Philanthropies is committed to: provide for the construction and equipment cost of Phase 1 of the Reform, Expand and Upgrade the National Hospital of Pediatrics Project, which is estimated to be a maximum of USD 6.3 million, through the East Meets West Foundation. assess subsequent construction needs according to the phased approach of the National Hospital of Pediatrics’s Development Plan and consider further support; assist the National Hospital of Pediatrics in assessing staff training and education needs during the construction process and consider further support for this purpose; assist the National Hospital of Pediatrics in its fundraising activities to secure the additional funding from the international donor community; provide guidance and support to the National Hospital of Pediatrics during the implementation of the Project; and monitor the implementation process of the Project. 2. The Ministry of Health is committed to: provide medical equipment to the new facilities utilising Vietnamese Government’s budget and other funding sources; provide the ongoing support for staffing and maintenance of the new infrastructures for the National Hospital of Pediatrics to achieve its mission and goals; facilitate the necessary approvals from the relevant government authorities so that the implementation of the objectives set forth will be completed in a timely manner; work with Atlantic and the National Hospital of Pediatrics to secure the additional funding necessary for the completion of the entire Reform, Expand and Upgrade the National Hospital of Pediatrics Project, including meeting with other donors, and obtaining international loans; agree with Atlantic the text of any press release or public statement that mentions Atlantic before its publication; and advise Atlantic of any material changes in the financial condition, operations, or the commitment of the Ministry to the project mission and program.