Capturing the Learning – Harvesting the Knowledge
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Centre for Effective Services | [ View Original Source (opens in new window) ]

The Centre for Effective Services (CES) is delighted to have Minster for Children and Young People, Dr James Reilly launch its latest publication Prevention and Early Intervention in Children and Young People’s Services – Ten Years of Learning Report today, Monday, 20 October, in St Andrews Resource Centre Dublin.
The Ten Years of Learning Report, compiled by CES, summarises the overarching learning from the outcome reports and briefing papers in the Prevention and Early Intervention Initiative (PEII) Capturing the Learning Series. The PEII involves 52 Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) programmes throughout the island of Ireland funded by the Atlantic Philanthropies (AP), sometimes jointly with Government and other organisations.
A number of important themes emerged and this knowledge was distilled down to 7 key areas for change and 13 recommendations. When taken together they provide a coherent approach to prevention and early intervention to improve the lives of children young people, their families and communities.
The learning from the PEII about designing, delivering, implementing and evaluating services/programmes is already being used to inform important developments in relation to child and family policies and services in Ireland such as the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People, Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures, the Area Based Childhood (ABC) Programme and the Katharine Howard Foundation Parenting Support Initiative.
Speaking at the launch, CES’s Director Nuala Doherty said “We are really pleased to share the knowledge harvested from the Capturing the Learning project. The Ten Years of Learning Report translates and applies this knowledge into recommendations that are practical and accessible to policy makers, commissioners and practitioners delivering front-line services in Ireland.”
The report will be officially launched in Northern Ireland by Jim Wells MLA, Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety on the 5th November 2014 in the Duncairn Centre for Culture and Arts in Belfast. The launch will be officially closed by John O’Dowd MLA, Minister for Education. Contact Liza at to book your place.
Learn More
> Join the conversation on twitter: #ctl10years
> Visit Centre for Effective Services website
Prevention and Early Intervention in Children and Young People’s Services – Ten Years of Learning Report will be available to download here on Wednesday, 5 November 2014.
Centre for Effective Services is an Atlantic grantee.