Results List
Older Persons Advisers Course, Rights4Seniors Website and Translational Research
Grantee: Advice NI
Grant amount: $567,438
Law Centre Renewal
Grantee: Law Centre NI
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $1,824,019
Social Investment Fund for Older People’s Projects
Grantee: Charity Bank
Grant amount: $777,350
Promoting Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity
Grantee: The Beth Johnson Foundation
Grant amount: $609,590
Colin Early Intervention Community
Grantee: Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $1,088,290
Core Support
Grantee: Children's Law Centre
Theme: Advancing Children's Rights
Grant amount: $1,621,350
Building Capacity in Children and Youth Participation
Grantee: National Children's Bureau
Grant amount: $296,461
Right to be Heard
Grantee: Voice of Young People in Care
Theme: Advancing Children's Rights
Grant amount: $1,297,000
Implementation and Evaluation of PATHS Programme and Organisational Merger
Grantee: Barnardos NI
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $1,378,063
Elder Abuse and Time Banks Initiatives
Grantee: Volunteer Now
Grant amount: $880,393
Irish Charities Tax Reform – Scoping
Grantee: Irish Charities Tax Research Ltd.
Grant amount: $26,831
Child and Family Research Centre
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Grant amount: $450,050
Mainstreaming Community Based Restorative Justice in Northern Ireland
Grantee: Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $113,066
Building Political Leadership Capacity at the Northern Ireland Assembly
Grantee: NI Assembly Legislative Strengthening Trust
Grant amount: $627,420
Shared Education Research Northern Ireland
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $147,890
Shared Education Research Northern Ireland
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Grant amount: $325,358
Carers’ Action Programme
Grantee: Carers, Northern Ireland
Grant amount: $931,707
Budget Analysis in the Third Sector
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Grant amount: $550,561
To Enable NICVA to Make a Series of Re-grants That Will Support the Enduring Capacity of the Age Sector
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Grant amount: $514,585
Fermangh Youthwork Apprentice Scheme
Grantee: Youth Action Northern Ireland
Grant amount: $567,594
Dementia Advocacy Project
Grantee: Alzheimer's Society, Northern Ireland
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $454,022
A Rights Based Approach to Community Development
Grantee: Community Foundation for Northern Ireland
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $1,279,546
Web Platform and Research for Documentary
Grantee: Below the Radar
Grant amount: $1,005,652
Transition Project for the New Charity
Grantee: Age NI
Grant amount: $534,950
Enduring Capacity to Protect Rights
Grantee: Juniper Consulting
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $627,420
Capturing and Sharing the Learning in the Human Rights Programme
Grantee: Boyd Associates
Grant amount: $511,530
Contested Space Evaluation
Grantee: Colin Knox
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $224,068
Growing Activism through Advocacy Training and Support
Grantee: Workers' Educational Association
Grant amount: $655,654
Social Investment Readiness Programme
Grantee: Charity Bank
Grant amount: $564,678
Evaluation Conclusion
Grantee: Early Years
Grant amount: $414,356
Scoping Work on Influencing Budget Priorities
Grantee: Deloitte MCS Limited
Grant amount: $61,464
Peace Building at Interfaces
Grantee: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Grant amount: $772,649
Where is My Public Servant? (WIMPS)
Grantee: Public Achievement
Grant amount: $1,081,709
Continuation of Evaluation of the Lifestart Growing Child Programme
Grantee: Lifestart Foundation Ltd
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $1,244,299
Advocacy and Policy Change
Grantee: Early Years
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $1,183,120
Local Tools for Local Accountability
Grantee: Participation and the Practice of Rights Project
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $539,799
Peace Building at Interfaces
Grantee: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $2,317,948
Supporting Peace Building and Advocacy in North Belfast
Grantee: Intercomm
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $813,395
Strengthening Practice and Supporting Advocacy
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $1,176,413
From Principles to Practice: Cohesion, Sharing and Integration in Practice
Grantee: Juniper Consulting
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $862,703
Supporting Integrated Education Through Transformation
Grantee: Integrated Education Fund
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $1,176,413
Strengthen the Voice of the Age Sector Platform
Grantee: Age Sector Platform
Grant amount: $1,154,338
Building a Commitment to Human Rights Among Newly Qualified Lawyers
Grantee: University of Ulster Foundation
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $69,147
Spring Chickens II
Grantee: Big Telly Theatre Company
Grant amount: $309,870
Cluster Evaluation – Ageing Programme Northern Ireland
Grantee: Brendan Murtagh
Grant amount: $158,940
The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study on Ageing
Grantee: Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Theme: Aging Research
Grant amount: $3,325,402
To evaluate the Reconciliation Programme in Northern Ireland
Grantee: Colin Knox
Grant amount: $299,286
To support a Dementia Services Centre in Northern Ireland
Grantee: Dementia Services Development Trust
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $855,360
Warm, Healthy and Happy Campaign
Grantee: NEA Northern Ireland
Grant amount: $675,437
Older People, the Arts and Social Justice
Grantee: Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Grant amount: $581,945