Results List
Dissemination of the Findings and Recommendations of the Study on South African Civil Society and Xenophobia
Grantee: Centre for Education Policy Development
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $146,740
University of New South Wales (UNSW) Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society
Grantee: University of New South Wales, Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $9,682,501
Strategic Healthcare Litigation
Grantee: Justice in Aging, formerly known as the National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC)
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $1,100,000
Renewal: Restoring Civil Liberties and Other Human Rights
Grantee: American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Renewal: Restoring Civil Liberties and Other Human Rights
Grantee: Center for Constitutional Rights
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Strategic Planning for the Department of Ageing and Life Course
Grantee: World Health Organization
Grant amount: $250,000
Phase II Implementation of 10-Year Strategic Plan (2006-2016)/Core Support
Grantee: Senior Helpline
Grant amount: $1,843,086
Athletics and Events Center Renewal
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $4,000,000
Civil Marriage Collaborative – Core Support
Grantee: Proteus Fund
Grant amount: $100,000
Center for Evaluation Innovation
Grantee: Innovation Network, Inc.
Grant amount: $700,000
Strategic Plan Implementation
Grantee: National Hispanic Council on Aging
Grant amount: $750,000
The Advocacy Initiative
Grantee: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (Dublin)
Grant amount: $664,325
General Operating Support
Grantee: Center for the Advancement of Women
Grant amount: $50,000
Healing the Wounds of War in the Middle East
Grantee: The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM)
Grant amount: $500,000
Cross-Programme Civic Engagement Grant
Grantee: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Grant amount: $550,000
Cross-Programme Civic Engagement Grant
Grantee: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Grant amount: $550,000
Exit Grant: Freedom, Security and Technology Project
Grantee: Center for Democracy and Technology
Grant amount: $150,000
Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity
Grantee: Center for Law and Social Policy
Grant amount: $175,000
Improving Maternal and Child Health through Adopted Healthier Behaviors
Grantee: Center for Community Health Research and Development
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Civic Engagement Evaluation Capacity
Grantee: Center of Southwest Culture
Grant amount: $68,000
California Alliance Core Support
Grantee: Strategic Concepts in Organizing & Policy Education
Grant amount: $400,000
The Changing Face of America: a New York Times/Atlantic Institute for Journalists
Grantee: UC Berkeley School of Law Alumni Center
Grant amount: $75,000
Chicken & Egg Pictures
Grantee: Tides Center
Grant amount: $50,000
Senate Filibuster Reform
Grantee: Tides Center
Grant amount: $150,000
CMBM Global Trauma Program-Gaza 5 Year Project
Grantee: The Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM)
Grant amount: $2,196,836
Communications and Policy Initiative to End U.S. Travel Restrictions on Cuba
Grantee: Center for Democracy in the Americas
Grant amount: $69,500
Immigration, Criminalization, and Parental Rights
Grantee: The Applied Research Center
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $550,000
Public Agency Voter Registration Project
Grantee: Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Grant amount: $333,333
Texas School Discipline Study Outreach and Publicity
Grantee: Council of State Governments Justice Center
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $190,000
Alliance for Educational Justice
Grantee: Movement Strategy Center
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $750,000
General Operating Support
Grantee: International Center for Transitional Justice
Grant amount: $250,000
Strategies for Civic Engagement: National Technical Assistance Project for Texas
Grantee: Center for Civic Policy
Grant amount: $35,000
Civic Literacy
Grantee: Brennan Center for Justice
Grant amount: $134,000
The Age Boom Academy, Journalism Institute
Grantee: International Longevity Center - USA, Ltd.
Grant amount: $37,500
The Age Boom Academy, Journalism Institute
Grantee: International Longevity Center - USA, Ltd.
Grant amount: $37,500
HCAN Evaluation
Grantee: M & R Strategic Services
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $170,000
Freedom to Travel to Cuba Activities
Grantee: Center for Democracy in the Americas
Grant amount: $200,000
Enhanced Editorial Facilities
Grantee: National Sex Education Center (CENESEX)
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $88,781
Strengthened Training Programs for Disaster Medicine Teams
Grantee: Latin American Center for Disaster Medicine (CLAMED), Cuban Ministry of Public Health
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $570,735
Huffington Post Investigative Fund
Grantee: Tides Center
Grant amount: $250,000
Strengthening Information Infrastructure in Health
Grantee: National Medical Sciences Information Center-INFOMED
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $475,612
Stratified Active Screening for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Grantee: Cuban Neuroscience Center (CNEURO)
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $443,905
Pan-Pacific Cancer Consortium: USA Node
Grantee: University of Arizona Foundation - Arizona Cancer Center
Theme: Biomedical Research
Grant amount: $250,000
Beacon Youth Initiative
Grantee: Tides Center/Youth Development Institute
Grant amount: $150,000
Core Exit Support for the Carrera Pregnancy Prevention Program
Grantee: Children's Aid Society
Grant amount: $500,000
Joint Children and Youth and Cross-Programme Grant
Grantee: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $6,000,000
Cross-Programme Multi-Issue Research and Policy and Racial Justice Initiative Grant
Grantee: Center for American Progress Action Fund
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Cross-Programme Constituency Building Grant
Grantee: Center for Community Change Action
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Exit Grant – Project Support to Youth Today
Grantee: American Youth Work Center
Grant amount: $100,000
Activating Medicare Beneficiaries to Improve Access to Affordable Health Care
Grantee: Medicare Rights Center
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $750,000