Results List
Expansion of Citizen Schools and Launching of Citizen Schools University
Grantee: Citizen Schools
Grant amount: $875,000
Advocacy Campaign
Grantee: Working Today
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $100,000
Secondary Schools Connection Program
Grantee: Fresh Air Fund
Grant amount: $25,000
Center for School Success
Grantee: New Visions for Public Schools
Grant amount: $300,000
Forgiveness Research Program
Grantee: A Campaign for Forgiveness Research
Grant amount: $1,406,772
A National Diversity Education and Civic Participation Project
Grantee: University of Maryland
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $323,077
Helmets for Kids
Grantee: Asia Injury Prevention Foundation
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $150,000
Conference Support
Grantee: Cambridge Foundation
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $47,808
Core Support
Grantee: Hawaii Theatre Center
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Baldridge Framework
Grantee: North Carolina Partnership for Excellence, Inc.
Grant amount: $750,000
Fundraising Phase Two
Grantee: Muhlenberg College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Conference Support
Grantee: New York University School of Law
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $81,000
Core Support
Grantee: Institute for International Sport
Grant amount: $2,650,000
Child Care Reads! Campaign
Grantee: Child Care Action Campaign
Grant amount: $25,000
Drug-Free Schools Initiative
Grantee: National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse at Columbia U
Grant amount: $300,000
Core Support
Grantee: Schools Outreach
Grant amount: $145,980
Study on the Impact of Welfare Reform on Head Start Families and Programs
Grantee: Child Care Action Campaign
Grant amount: $1,500
Preparing Future Faculty
Grantee: Council of Graduate Schools
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $1,625,471
School Design Model Implementation
Grantee: New American Schools
Grant amount: $3,000,000
Research Study
Grantee: Lesbians Organising Together
Theme: LGBT
Grant amount: $30,089
Position Paper
Grantee: Gay Community Health Development Limited
Theme: LGBT
Grant amount: $22,017
Committee on the Administration of Justice
Grantee: Human Rights Trust
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $121,650
Core Support
Grantee: University of The Witwatersrand Foundation
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $54,238
Collections Acquisition
Grantee: Afropaedia, L.L.C.
Grant amount: $90,000
Research Project
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $11,057
Education in a Democracy Agenda
Grantee: Institute for Educational Inquiry
Grant amount: $700,000
Fundraising Campaign
Grantee: Integrated Education Fund
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $221,605
Phase II of the Campaign to Reduce Young Child Poverty
Grantee: Columbia Univ. National Center for Children in Poverty
Grant amount: $250,000
Research and Information Campaign
Grantee: American Council on Education
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $230,000
Technical Support
Grantee: Parents for Public Schools
Grant amount: $225,000
Core Support
Grantee: Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $3,792,500
Youth Vision Initiative
Grantee: Street Law, Inc.
Grant amount: $1,225,000
Feasibility Study
Grantee: Tompkins County Public Library Foundation
Grant amount: $9,400
Longitudinal Study
Grantee: University of Pennsylvania - Graduate School of Education
Grant amount: $12,746,500
Diversity Experience Study
Grantee: Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $75,000
Virtual Y
Grantee: Prospect Park YMCA
Grant amount: $200,000
Fundraising Campaign
Grantee: Integrated Education Fund
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $324,675
Capital Campaign
Grantee: Pembroke College Oxford
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $1,133,941
Longitudinal Evaluation of Community Schools in Washington Heights
Grantee: Children's Aid Society
Grant amount: $300,000
Coalition of Essential Schools
Grantee: Ithaca City School District/The Alternative Community School
Grant amount: $104,000
Federation of Centers
Grantee: Coalition of Essential Schools
Grant amount: $400,000
Focus on Children
Grantee: Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Foundation
Grant amount: $900,000
Core Support
Grantee: Citizen Schools
Grant amount: $250,000
RAND Evaluation
Grantee: New American Schools
Grant amount: $1,200,000
Performance-Driven Budgeting Initiative Evaluation
Grantee: New Visions for Public Schools
Grant amount: $479,000
Collaborative Research Study
Grantee: Harvard University Graduate School of Education
Grant amount: $350,000
Core Support
Grantee: Zero Tolerance Charitable Trust
Grant amount: $230,309
Staff Support
Grantee: Volunteer Reading Help, London
Grant amount: $72,689
Springvale Campus
Grantee: University of Ulster Foundation
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $133,377
Loan Facility
Grantee: Integrated Education Fund
Grant amount: $474,609