Results List
Health Equity: Cuba, South Africa, the United States, and Viet Nam
[caption id="attachment_58419" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Yarol Yamel, 3, is examined by Dr. Janisleydis Rosado for bronchial asthma at walk-in clinic Number 15, La Santa Fe, Isle of Youth.[/caption] Cuba Although Cuba’s health care system is considered to be one of the best in the world, in…
Resource type: Page
Congress advances new law expanding children's health insurance program
Source: Christian Science Monitor
Some 4 million more children would bring the total to more than 11 million covered In a move toward health coverage for all Americans, the Senate voted Thursday to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) to include some 4.1 million uninsured children. The…
Resource type: News
Senate Passes Health Insurance Bill for Children
Source: Washington Post
Immigrant Clause Opens Rift By Ceci Connolly The Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation yesterday to provide health insurance to 11 million low-income children, a bill that would for the first time spend federal money to cover children and pregnant women who are legal immigrants. The State…
Resource type: News
Connecting Children and Families to Health Insurance: Why Are Cities Involved?
Source: CitiesSpeak
By Chuan TengWith all of the attention on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), some people may not know that millions of children and families are currently eligible for but not enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).Although there are provisions in the ACA that…
Resource type: News
Speak Up for Health Coverage for Kids in the U.S.: Join the National Voice for Children
Source: Gara LaMarche
I’m visiting Atlantic’s programmes in Viet Nam right now, and a few days ago a provincial health official proudly told a group of us that the Government recently made health care free for all of the nine million Vietnamese children under the age of six.…
Resource type: News
A Healthy Start: Protecting Great Gains for Children in the Affordable Care Act
Source: The Huffington Post
By Marian Wright EdelmanPresident, Children's Defense FundSince our founding almost forty years ago, the Children’s Defense Fund has fought to ensure that all children in America receive the healthy start they need and deserve. Next week marks the second anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the…
Resource type: News
The Impact of Medicaid and SCHIP on Low-Income Children's Health
Source: Kaiser Commission for Medicaid and the Uninsured
Full Report This brief was prepared by Caryn Marks, Cathy Hoffman and Julia Paradise of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. THE IMPACT OF MEDICAID AND SCHIP ON LOW-INCOME CHILDREN’S HEALTH Today, one-quarter of children in the U.S.…
Resource type: News
I-155 seeks to expand kids' health insurance
Source: The Associated Press State & Local Wire
by AMY BETH HANSON Montana voters are being asked to support a measure to fund health insurance for up to an additional 30,000 children. Initiative 155, the Healthy Montana Kids plan, seeks to set aside an estimated $22 million in state funding each year to…
Resource type: News
KidsWell Campaign Launches Website and Online Resource Hub for Health Reform Implementation
Source: Kidswell
New York, June 29, 2011. KidsWell, a campaign dedicated to the successful implementation of federal health reform for America’s children, launched, a website monitoring state and national health care reform implementation and opposition across the country. Drawing on a growing repository of more than…
Resource type: News
Number of Uninsured Children Drops to Lowest Level Since 1987
Source: Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute
Outlook Bleaker for Parents and Other Adults 10 Sep 2009 The Center for Children and Families is an Atlantic grantee. Statement by Jocelyn Guyer, Co-Director Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute "The new Census report shows that the number of…
Resource type: News