Results List
Living ONE AWAY from Financial Crisis
Source: National Council on Aging
Like millions of older Americans, Bettye, Maria, and Andre live one payment away, one meal away, and one medical accident away from a financial crisis. We’re asking Congress to stop letting older Americans struggle in silence. National Council on Aging is an Atlantic grantee.
Resource type: Video
Houston’s Kids: Collaborating Across Sectors in Times of Crisis and Beyond
Source: The Bridgespan Group
In August and September 2005, 30,000 children, driven from their homes by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, arrived in Houston, Texas. Responding to the immediate needs of these children and their families, local agencies formed unprecedented partnerships to provide aid and support, including after-school educational and…
Resource type: Case Study
The State of our Union in Crisis: Widening the Lens of Children and Families
Source: Gara LaMarche
Keynote speech by Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, given at the Annual Conference of Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. This is an extraordinary moment to gather and reflect, as we have planned to do…
Resource type: Speech
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Source: Gara LaMarche
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, discussed his concerns about a growing need for a stronger moral framework for philanthropy at the Starr Forum at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Forty-five years ago, a young aide named Bill Moyers sat in the…
Resource type: Speech
Investment in South Africa From Inside and Out: Reflections of an Overseas Friend
Source: Gara LaMarche
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to investment in South Africa and the country’s challenges in the face of declining international funding are discussed in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Inyathelo Annual Awards Ceremony in Cape Town, South Africa. It is…
Resource type: Speech
The Corner Office, Non-Profit Edition: A Practitioner’s Thoughts on Social Justice Management
Source: Gara LaMarche
Social justice management should be both more humane and tougher, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Yale School of Management. I was at first flattered when I heard that students here at the Yale School of Management…
Resource type: Speech
Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this keynote address at an international conference held by New York Law School: Constitutional Rights, Judicial Independence and the Transition to Democracy: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism. The conference brought together a diverse group…
Resource type: Speech
Law as a Vehicle for Social Change
Source: Martin O'Brien
Martin O’Brien, Senior Vice President for Programmes at The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered FLAC’s Seventh Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture in Dublin. Ellis was a community activist who dedicated his career to working with community groups on issues including welfare rights, legal aid, legal education and…
Resource type: Speech
Growling and Kicking for Social Change
Source: Gara LaMarche
It is time for Americans to bring together two powerful forces that are often disconnected – the desire to serve and the necessity to take social action to change systems that often give rise to the need for these services, said Gara LaMarche, President and…
Resource type: Speech