Results List
The History of the Giving While Living Ethic
Source: Benjamin Soskis
When Chuck Feeney decided over three decades ago to transfer virtually all his personal fortune to what would become The Atlantic Philanthropies, he said he was doing it out of a belief in Giving While Living – the idea that individuals of great means should use their money…
Resource type: Research Report
Atlantic Insights: Giving While Living
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic Insights: Giving While Living explores Founder Charles “Chuck” Feeney’s long-standing belief in “Giving While Living,” the idea that people with wealth should use it during their lifetimes to help others. Download this book to learn about Feeney’s unique story, and to gain insight from other high net worth…
Resource type: Research Report
Turning Passion Into Action: Giving While Living
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication explores the practice of Giving While Living as exemplified by our Founder Chuck Feeney. Our intention is to inspire individuals at varying levels of wealth to actively give their funds, skills and time during their lives, and receive enormous satisfaction in the process.…
Resource type: Research Report
Giving While Living: Making a Difference
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Watch the story of Atlantic Founder Chuck Feeney, the man who has inspired Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and others to devote their wealth to the service of humanity during their lifetimes. This video, narrated by Timothy Hutton, shows the power of Giving While Living and…
Resource type: Video
Giving Hope and Dignity to the Poor: The Story of
Source: Probono.Org, a South Africa clearing house that seeks to increase access to justice through the pro bono services of law firms, provides a model that substantially reduces public interest law costs since it unlocks private legal expertise, according to this case study commissioned by The…
Resource type: Case Study
Confronting Systemic Inequity in Education: High Impact Strategies for Philanthropy
Source: National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
This report looks at how philanthropy can be more effective at helping to reform and improve our nation’s school systems. Every year, foundations provide billions in grants for education. Yet, our education system is in crisis: American schoolchildren – especially those from vulnerable communities – remain trapped in…
Resource type: Research Report
How Private Wealth Can Change the World
Source: By Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this speech at an international conference held by the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Berlin: The Era of Citizens – How Civil Society and Foundations are Shaping the Future. The conference was opened by German…
Resource type: Speech
Innovative Grantmaking Gives Voice to the Marginalised
Source: Multi Agency Grants Initiative
This case study describes how a group of large donors found an effective means to collaborate to make grants to small, grassroots organisations in South Africa through the Multi Agency Grant Initiative. The story of the Multi Agency Grants Initiative (MAGI) in South Africa (2006-2008)…
Resource type: Case Study
Harvest Time for The Atlantic Philanthropies – 2014-2016: Finished, But Not Done
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This is the sixth paper in the “Harvest Time” series on the concluding years of The Atlantic Philanthropies, the largest endowed institution to put all its charitable assets to use in a fixed period of time and then close its doors. “Finished, But Not Done”…
Resource type: Research Report
End-Game Evaluation: Building a Legacy of Learning In a Limited-Life Foundation
Source: The Foundation Review
In “End-Game Evaluation: Building a Legacy of Learning In a Limited-Life Foundation,” co-authors Ashleigh Halverstadt and Benjamin Kerman share the emerging hypotheses of The Atlantic Philanthropies and the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation about the opportunities and challenges for evaluation in the limited-life context. The authors argue…
Resource type: Research Report