Results List
First, Treat the System: Atlantic’s Effort to Promote Health and Equity in Viet Nam
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
How did Atlantic work to improve public health and primary health care in Viet Nam – and what lessons did it learn along the way? Watch this short video in which author Tony Proscio and Atlantic Country Director, Viet Nam Dr. Le Nhan Phuong summarise Atlantic’s grantmaking approach,…
Resource type: Video
Addressing the Root Causes of Social Injustice
Source: Le Nhan Phuong
The road to lasting change in the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people begins with the courage to ask the right questions, said Le Nhan Phuong, Programme Director of the Population Health Programme at The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at the International Conference on…
Resource type: Speech
First, Treat the System: The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Effort to Promote Health and Equity in Viet Nam
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Atlantic’s efforts to improve public health and primary health care in Viet Nam are benefiting the country’s 80 million people, according to this new report. The scope of work has resulted in replicable models of care in urban centres and rural provinces. While less than…
Resource type: Research Report
Viet Nam Social Franchise
Women’s health clinics run by the Vietnamese government are experimenting with “social franchising.” A University of Hawaii business professor was a consultant who helped Marie Stopes International and the Atlantic Philanthropies use business franchise principles to support government services in the new Tinh Chi Em…
Resource type: Video
Partners in Injury Prevention
Motorbikes are the transportation of choice in Viet Nam. They jam the streets of Ha Noi, Da Nang and other cities, and their noisy engines pierce the tranquility of the countryside. Families of four, including tiny infants, may squeeze onto one bike, and business people…
Resource type: Grantee Story
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