Results List
Living ONE AWAY from Financial Crisis
Source: National Council on Aging
Like millions of older Americans, Bettye, Maria, and Andre live one payment away, one meal away, and one medical accident away from a financial crisis. We’re asking Congress to stop letting older Americans struggle in silence. National Council on Aging is an Atlantic grantee.
Resource type: Video
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech
The State of our Union in Crisis: Widening the Lens of Children and Families
Source: Gara LaMarche
Keynote speech by Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, given at the Annual Conference of Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. This is an extraordinary moment to gather and reflect, as we have planned to do…
Resource type: Speech
Commencement at the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO addressed the 2010 graduating class at the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools in Haley Farm, Knoxville, Tennessee. I want to start out by saying that I have no recollection of the commencement address when I graduated from St. Bernard’s…
Resource type: Speech
“A Spend-out Approach to Philanthropy”
Source: Colin McCrea
Colin McCrea addresses the challenges and rewards of Atlantic’s approach to philanthropy at the Institute of Philanthropy’s recent conference in London. All of us involved in philanthropy would like to see more people giving more money in a more thoughtful way. There is no…
Resource type: Speech
How to Persuade Ireland’s Newly Wealthy to Become Philanthropists
Source: Colin McCrea
Steps to encourage Ireland’s new wealthy class to give generously, thoughtfully and publicly to philanthropy are discussed in this speech by Colin McCrea, Senior Vice President, Programmes, The Atlantic Philanthropies, at the inaugural Ray Murphy Memorial Lecture. Like Bill White, I share the aspiration that…
Resource type: Speech
Support, Friendship, Love and Care: A Recipe for Looking After Children and Young People in Northern Ireland
Source: VOYPIC Policy and Research
Children and young people in foster, residential and other types of care in Northern Ireland expressed their feelings about the best and the worst of their experiences in a first-of-its-kind survey conducted by VOYPIC. In 2011, the organisation launched a computer-based survey to collect the…
Resource type: Research Report
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Source: Gara LaMarche
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech
Some Reflections on Philanthropy and Government
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, gives the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the United Neighborhood Houses in New York City. I appreciate the invitation to share some thoughts with the board and staff members of the settlement houses and other…
Resource type: Speech
Esther’s Story: Walking Again Thanks to Adult Day Services
“The first day I went to the centre, I was scared, I was in a wheelchair, and I was paralysed on the left side. Everybody was so friendly. My arm was frozen to my side, and now I can move it and I can open…
Resource type: Grantee Story