Results List
Formal Sex Education Linked to Greater Condom Use Among Teen Males
Source: Child Trends
This Child Trends study finds that any type of formal sex education is linked with higher levels of condom use at teen males’ first sexual experience. However, one in five teen males (ages 15-19) did not receive formal sex education about either abstinence or contraception before…
Resource type: Research Report
A Model Code on Education and Dignity
Source: Dignity in Schools Campaign
Current educational policies and practices are pushing millions of young people out of school. This “pushout” crisis is fueled by many factors, including zero-tolerance and other punitive discipline policies. This report presents a set of recommended policies to schools, districts and legislators to help end school…
Resource type: Research Report
Strengthening Schools of Health To Improve National Health
The University of the Western Cape was established in 1959, during the days of apartheid, as a university for students classified as belonging to the “coloured” population of South Africa. During the past 30-plus years, the university has had a varied political, financial and academic…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Some Reflections on Philanthropy and Government
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, gives the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the United Neighborhood Houses in New York City. I appreciate the invitation to share some thoughts with the board and staff members of the settlement houses and other…
Resource type: Speech
Taking Research and a Country to New Levels of Excellence
Postgraduate research student Eric Farrell and Minister of Education and Science Mary Hanafin at Trinity College Dublin’s Centre for Bioengineering. Photo: Trinity College Dublin “Look, frankly you’ve got to invest in research,” were Founding Chairman Chuck Feeney’s words in 1998 to Ireland’s then Prime Minister…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Prevention and Early Intervention Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland
Source: Mathematica Policy Research
Children and youth organisations on the island of Ireland are building a strong body of prevention and early intervention practices, according to an evaluation of Atlantic’s investments by Mathematica Policy Research. Meanwhile, research organisations are acquiring new expertise in evaluating children’s prevention and early intervention…
Resource type: Evaluation
Programme to Support Palliative and Hospice Care in the Republic of Ireland: Final Report
Source: Trinity College Dublin
Investment in end-of-life care has made Ireland a world leader in advancing palliative and hospice care but regional inequities persist, according to an evaluation by Professor Mary McCarron and colleagues at Trinity College Dublin. The evaluation examined The Atlantic Philanthropies’ End of Life programme –…
Resource type: Evaluation
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Source: Gara LaMarche
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech
Impact, Legacy and Collaboration
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, talks about his experiences of effective collaboration, how to make an impact and what it takes to leave a legacy in philanthropy in this speech to the New Mexico Regional Association of Grantmakers in Albuquerque. I have…
Resource type: Speech