Results List
Transforming Health Care in South Africa: A Summary Evaluation of The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Nursing Programme
Source: Strategic Evaluation, Advisory & Development Consulting
Nursing in South Africa has long been neglected, in part because of the turmoil brought about by apartheid. This lack of attention has had dire implications for the vast majority of South Africans who rely on the public health system for health care. From 2006-2012,…
Resource type: Research Report
The Global Brain Health Institute Aims to Tackle Dementia
Source: Global Brain Health Institute
The Atlantic Philanthropies has given $177 million to Trinity College Dublin and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to establish the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI). GBHI will train at least 600 global leaders over 15 years in the United States, Ireland and around…
Resource type: Video
Building Palliative Care: The Cicely Saunders Institute Journey
Source: Olivia Dix and the Cicely Saunders Institute
This case study looks at the work of the Cicely Saunders Institute (CSI) at Kings College London, U.K, and its impact on the field of palliative care since it was established in 2010; Atlantic was its largest funder. The Cicely Saunders Institute is the only…
Resource type: Case Study
Highlights from the Elev8 Learning Institute, April 21- 23, 2010
The Institute is a learning opportunity for Elev8 stakeholders, designed to draw from and build on the deep experiences and expertise of all participants to strengthen Elev8 services, advocacy and community organizing efforts. The video showcases highlights from the conference that took place from April…
Resource type: Video
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute
Direct-care workers ensure quality elder care and disability services for millions of Americans, yet often do not have their own health coverage. The Health Care for Health Care Workers (HCHCW) campaign is addressing this challenge. HCHCW raises awareness of the lack of coverage and its…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Striking the Rights Chord: Perspectives on Advancement from Human Rights Organisations in South Africa
Source: Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement
When a major funder exits a field, its absence can sometimes prove extremely challenging to the civil society organisations it has supported. As a limited life foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies are supporting projects to contribute to a growing body of knowledge that positions nonprofit organisations…
Resource type: Research Report
Supporting Nursing Home Accreditation
Health care services in the Republic of Ireland suffer from a lack of quality and safety standards. In the nursing home sector, largely unregulated practices often have left vulnerable older people open to neglect and abuse. To address the poor quality and safety standards in…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Ireland’s First Centre of Expertise in Geriatric Care
Doctors, researchers and clinical staff at the Centre on Excellence in Ageing at St. James’s Hospital in Dublin are well on their way to changing the care of older people in Ireland. Only two years old, the Centre, led by Dr. Rose Anne Kenny, is…
Resource type: Grantee Story
A Conversation with Atlantic President and CEO Christopher Oechsli
Source: The Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute hosted a wide-ranging conversation with Christopher Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, as part of their Foundation Presidents’ Series. The conversation was moderated by Jane Wales, Vice President of Philanthropy and Society at the Aspen Institute. Learn More > Foundation…
Resource type: Video
Economics of Palliative Care: Evidence and Impact from Four Recent Studies
Source: Bridget Johnston, Charles Normand and Peter May
This report presents findings from four recent economic studies of palliative care. Three of the studies were funded by Atlantic; the fourth was funded by the National Cancer Institute and National Institute for Nursing Research in the United States, with the economic analyses conducted through…
Resource type: Research Report