Results List
New Campaign Aims to Focus Health Reform Implementation On Improving, Coordinating Care for Vulnerable Older Adults
Survey Finds Older Adults Suffering Due to Poor Coordination, Communication WASHINGTON, DC — April 8, 2010 — To ensure health reform works for those with the most at stake, the National Partnership for Women & Families, Community Catalyst and the National Health Law Program (NHeLP)…
Author: Campaign for Better Care
How we can create free health care for all
We are now 15 years into our democracy and we have yet to remove one of the most important barriers to access to health by the poor – money. The 1994 National Health Plan of the ANC called for ensuring that all South Africans, rich…
Author: Cape Argus (South Africa)
Coalition Launches New Campaign for Quality, Affordable Health Care for All
Washington, DC- July 8, 2008 Today in Washington, DC and 52 cities across the country, including 38 state capitals, a new national campaign is bringing together millions of Americans to demand quality, affordable health care for all. Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is being…
Author: Health Care for America Now!
Health Care for America Now: A New Campaign to Win Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for All in the U.S.
The public relations spin doctors for the U.S. health insurance industry, who are probably busy at work concocting the script for a TV commercial or Internet ad to sink comprehensive health care reform in 2009, ought to think again. You may remember the fictitious couple,…
Author: Gara LaMarche
What We Learned From Health Care
By Gara LaMarche. In March, I was honored to watch President Obama’s bill signing for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with a group of labor leaders and reform activists. Around me were advocates who had worked for months — in some cases decades…
Author: The Huffington Post
Health reform challenge in Australia: Repairing the fundamentals and building on stronger foundations
Australia’s Prime Minister praises biomedical research at the University of Queensland as an example of what can be achieved when government, universities and philanthropy work together in partnership. It is good to be back home; it’s good to be back in Brisbane; good to be…
Author: Prime Minister of Australia
Reform of Health Care Has New Ally; National Coalition to Put $40 Million; Behind Advocacy
By GUY BOULTON An array of unions and liberal activist groups in Wisconsin have joined a national coalition that plans to spend $40 million to push for health care reform, particularly universal coverage, in the coming election. The Health Care for America Now coalition, a…
Author: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Garamendi Launches a National Health Care Reform Campaign to Keep Presidential Candidates in Check
Original Source California Political Desk LOS ANGELES Bolstered by nurses, doctors, labor unions, small business owners and women’s groups, Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi has unveiled a $40 million national health care reform campaign to hold health insurance companies accountable and provide quality, affordable health care…
Author: California Chronicle
GW Health Workforce Institute Receives $5.5 Million to Advance Health Workforce Equity Issue
WASHINGTON, DC (March 9, 2016)— Researchers at the George Washington University’s (GW) Health Workforce Institute today announced a $5.5 million award from The Atlantic Philanthropies to promote health workforce equity by identifying, connecting and preparing leaders in the field to advance social mission in health professions education.…
Author: The George Washington University
The fight for universal health care
Original Source Richard Kirsch, national campaign manager for Health Care for America Now, takes nothing for granted. On the very day last week that President Barack Obama released his budget proposal, which includes a $634 billion reserve fund to overhaul the nation’s health care system, Kirsch…
Author: Politico