Results List
The African Grantmakers Network Is Launched
Ghana, Accra15 July 2009: The African Grantmakers Network will change the face of global philanthropy. And it will happen right here in Africa, said Sarah Mukasa, Director of Programmes at the African Women’s Development Fund, at a meeting organized to establish a network of African…
Author: The African Grantmakers Network
Grantmakers In Aging Announces First Grantees for new Hurricane Fund for the Elderly
For Immediate Release Contact: Carol A. Farquhar 888.435.3156 Grantmakers In Aging Announces First Grantees for new Hurricane Fund for the Elderly More than half a million dollars support older adult services for the long haul in the Gulf States Region July 28, 2006 –The Hurricane…
Author: Grantmakers in Aging
Hurricane Fund for the Elderly Formed to Assist Older Adults in the Gulf Coast Region
Hurricane Fund for the Elderly Formed to Assist Older Adults in the Gulf Coast Region The federal Administration on Aging (AoA) has called upon the nation’s leading aging organizations to provide much needed assistance to older adults affected by the recent hurricanes. In response to…
Author: Grantmakers in Aging (GIA)
Giving Circles Change Donors' Giving in Positive and Significant Ways
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, and the Aspen Institute are Atlantic grantees. OMAHADonors say they give more, give more strategically, and are more knowledgeable about nonprofit organizations and problems in their communities when they participate in…
Author: Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
2008 Fred Rogers Award Honoree: Debra Delgado
Original Source At the 2008 Annual Conference in Chicago, Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and Families awarded the 2008 Fred Rogers Leadership Award in Philanthropy for Children, Youth and Families posthumously to our beloved friend and colleague Debra Delgado. Debra was a wonderfully fun and compassionate…
Author: Grantmakers for Children, Youth, and Families
Foundations Giving Voice to the Voiceless
By Kimberley Chin, Programme Executive, The Atlantic Philanthropies Sound policy can only be effective if it represents the experiences and voices of the people it is trying to benefit. The theme for the Grantmakers In Health (GIH) annual meeting this year, The Power of Voice,…
Author: Grantmakers In Health
Reforming School Discipline Policies to Improve Children's Success
By Kavitha Mediratta Head of Racial Equity Programmes, The Atlantic Philanthropies In recent months, we have seen an outpouring of protest by communities of color against aggressive policing and the trauma and violence these tactics engender. A similar phenomenon is occurring in our schools, where…
Author: Grantmakers In Health
Implementing the New Health Care Law and What it Means for Children
Although the benefits from the newly signed health care bill won’t be available until 2014, implementation efforts are already underway. To better understand how the new law will be implemented and what it means for children, GCYF partnered with First Focus to host a webinar to…
Author: Grantmakers for Children, Youth & Families
Gap Persists Between Nonprofit Needs and Grantmaker Practices, Survey Finds
Most foundations are not making the changes that they and their grantees say are essential to supporting nonprofit success, a new survey of staffed foundations commissioned by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations finds. The survey, Is Grantmaking Getting Smarter: A National Study of Philanthropic Practice (16…
Funder Advocacy Collaboratives: Framing Thoughts
By Jen Bokoff and Cynthia Gibson GrantCraft Editor’s Note: This article is the first in a resource series about funder advocacy collaboratives. The series draws on real-world funder experiences to share strategies about anticipating and overcoming prevalent obstacles to success. See Acknowledgements and Methodology and…
Author: GrantCraft