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Coming to a TV Screen Near You
A very exciting development for the Citizenship Programme and the thousands of young people who participate in the programme every year, is that, for the first time ever, the extraordinary work that young people undertake in the community as part of the permanent tsb Foróige Youth…
Author: Foróige
NUIG allocated first UNESCO-sponsored post
by LORNA SIGGINS ANY GOVERNMENT keen to save money will ensure that continued support is given to preventative and early intervention services for children in potential difficulty and there is an “overwhelming economic argument” for such an approach, according to Prof Pat Dolan, who…
Author: Irish Times
Taking Account of Race: A Philanthropic Imperative
President Obama’s election has unquestionably transformed discussions of race in the United States. At the recent Black Entertainment Television Honors Awards, Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina declared that now that an African-American man holds the most powerful position in the world, “Every child has…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Public Achievement Wins Prime Minister’s BIG Society Award
On 23rd April, 2012, Public Achievement won the Prime Minister’s BIG Society Award, making Public Achievement the first organisation in Northern Ireland to get this award. The above clip is the presentation speech by Minister Hugo Swire at WIMPS HQ. Presenting the BIG award on…
Author: Public Achievement
Concrete support for young people needed, says entrepreneur
by LORNA SIGGINS IRELAND COULD become home to the next Google, Facebook or Nokia if it stopped paying “lip service” to a younger generation by offering concrete support, the founder of a national social media agency has said. director Ruairí McKiernan said his company…
Author: The Irish Times
NCLR Annual Conference in San Diego to Feature Prominent Speakers and Current Newsmakers
On July 15, 2008, Gara LaMarche, President of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and The Atlantic Philanthropies received the Raul Yzaguirre President’s Award from the National Council of La Raza. Below is the press release. NCLR ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO TO FEATURE PROMINENT SPEAKERS AND CURRENT…
Author: National Council of La Raza
A Time to Serve
As the Constitutional Convention of 1787 came to a close, after three and a half months of deliberation, a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” replied the Doctor, “if you can keep it.” –…
Author: Time Magazine
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