Results List
Report from the Heartland: Elections as Opportunities for Unheard Voices
I just got back from Des Moines, Iowa, where I watched and listened as low-income people, all too often ignored in elections, took the opportunity to raise issues of concern to them with the leading Democratic Presidential candidates (the Republicans were invited, too, but none…
Author: Gara LaMarche
One Life to Give
Conor O’Cleary interviews Chuck Feeney about his philosophy of giving. Irish America 12-01-2003 Chuck Feeney has just put into practice something he had been considering for many years. He has decided that all the vast wealth he accumulated in his lifetime should be given away…
Author: Irish America
A Look at Race, Incarceration, and American Values
Original Source by Marian Wright Edelman Glenn Loury, a professor in the Department of Economics at Brown University, has long been one of the nation’s most outspoken Black intellectuals. For many years he was a leading conservative voice on topics like affirmative action, and whenever…
Author: The Huffington Post
Bringing Everyone to the Table to Eradicate School Discipline Disparities
By Allison Brown and Kavitha Mediratta Representatives from Open Society Foundations and The Atlantic Philanthropies discuss philanthropy’s role in school discipline reform. This article was originally published in VUE magazine. Download the PDF > VUE website > The Atlantic Philanthropies funded the work of the Positive…
Author: VUE
Cover: The 25 Best Givers
With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The KIPP Foundation is an Atlantic grantee. By Suzanne McGee. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN PHILANTHROPY this year is to make your dollars go far —…
Author: Barron's
A Time to Serve
As the Constitutional Convention of 1787 came to a close, after three and a half months of deliberation, a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic,” replied the Doctor, “if you can keep it.” –…
Author: Time Magazine
As We Enter 2008, a Look Back Shows Policy Gains for Atlantic Grantees
The end of one year and the start of the next is a traditional time for looking both back and forward, and a good time to check in with readers of this column – an unusual experiment in philanthropy that we started in July, a…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Youth Leaders to Join Secretary Duncan, Officials, Policymakers for U.S. Education Department's National Youth Summit
Students from high schools and middle schools across the country will travel to Washington this weekend to join administration officials and education policy leaders for the U.S. Department of Education’s “Voices in Action: National Youth Summit,”taking place at Howard University on Saturday, Feb. 26. The…
Author: U.S. Department of Education
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: July 2012
The Just and Fair Schools Fund (JFSF) at Public Interest Projects supports grassroots organizing initiatives that work to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices – and that uphold the right to education for all youth. Our newsletter shares updates on parent-, youth-, and congregation-led victories,…
Author: Just and Fair Schools Fund
Not-So Sweet Home Alabama: What Alabamians Are Saying About Their State's New Immigration Law
Kassi Cruz picks tomatoes in Steele, Alabama, on October 3, 2011. Cruz decided to pitch in to help after the majority of migrant workers left after the new Alabama immigration law took effect last week. By Center for American Progress Immigration Team Alabama has reawakened…
Author: Center for American Progress