Results List
GW Health Workforce Institute Receives $5.5 Million to Advance Health Workforce Equity Issue
WASHINGTON, DC (March 9, 2016)— Researchers at the George Washington University’s (GW) Health Workforce Institute today announced a $5.5 million award from The Atlantic Philanthropies to promote health workforce equity by identifying, connecting and preparing leaders in the field to advance social mission in health professions education.…
Author: The George Washington University
MOLISA Vice-Minister and colleagues from Viet Nam visit Melbourne
By Harry Minas. During the week of 23-27 August 2010 a 10-person delegation from Viet Nam’s Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) visited Melbourne to learn about the Victorian approach to provision of community mental health services, with a focus on arrangements for…
Author: Centre for International Mental Health
Increasing the Civic Engagement of Third Age Health Professionals
Taking Action From its inception AHI has worked to build a sustainable platform for public dialogue about a quality system in which every American is assured equitable and affordable access to basic health care. To do that we designed and successfully tested two central platform…
Author: American Health Initiatives
HSE funds on mental health may be diverted
by FIONA GARTLAND A QUARTER of the funding earmarked for the Government’s mental health strategy A Vision for Change may be diverted for use in other areas, according to the Irish Mental Health Coalition (IMHC), an umbrella body for mental health groups. Highlighting World Mental…
Author: Irish Times
Atlantic Awards Community Catalyst $14.8 Million to Strengthen the Voice of Consumers in Health System Transformation
Legacy grant will support new Center for Consumer and Community Engagement Community Catalyst has been awarded a five-year $14.8 million legacy grant by The Atlantic Philanthropies to develop and promote a consumer agenda around “health system transformation,” fundamental changes in the health system that are…
Author: Community Catalyst
The State of Adolescent Health Services: How the System Fails Young People
In the United States, we are about to engage in a potentially historic debate about long-overdue reform of our inadequate health care system, and big change may be on the way. That is exactly what we need because our current system is failing the very…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Health and Aging Policy Fellows Application for 2011-2012 - Deadline Extended to May 20, 2011
The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program is a unique opportunity for professionals in health and aging to receive the experience and skills necessary to make a positive contribution to the development and implementation of health policies that affect older Americans. The following is an…
Author: Health and Aging Policy Fellows
Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program is Accepting Applications for 2011-2012
The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program is a unique opportunity for professionals in health and aging to receive the experience and skills necessary to make a positive contribution to the development and implementation of health policies that affect older Americans. The following is an…
Author: Health and Aging Policy Fellows
Health Critic Brings a Past and a Wallet
Health Care for America Now is an Atlantic grantee. By JIM RUTENBERG WASHINGTON — Richard L. Scott is unusual in these tough economic times: a rich, conservative investor willing to spend freely on a political cause. Mr. Scott is starring in his own rotation of advertisements…
Author: The New York Times
Warring Sides on Health Care Carry Their Fight to TV and Radio Ads
Original Source Health Care for America Now is an Atlantic grantee. By ROBERT PEAR WASHINGTON — The battle over the future of health care has taken to the airwaves, with interest groups spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on television and radio advertisements supporting or…
Author: The New York Times