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CAP heralds an older, louder, stronger Northern Ireland
Contact: Joanne McKeirnan Help the Aged Northern Ireland Tel: 028 9072 8648Mobile: 07816 317 774Email: For immediate release: 3 October 2006 CAP heralds an older, louder, strongerNorthern Ireland Today (Tuesday 3 October 2006), four major Northern Ireland organisations join forces with the launch of…
Author: Changing Ageing Partnership (CAP)
Civil Partnership a Cross-Country Success as Every County Celebrates
By the end of September, 862 Civil Partnerships had already taken place. That’s an average of two civil partnerships every day since they first became publicly available in April 2011. So, where are there most lesbian and gay civil partners across the country? Dublin 8…
Author: Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
Older Adults as Community Assets, or Taking an Encore in Maine
Meredith Jones is President & CEO of the Maine Community Foundation, and a participant in the national Community Experience Partnership, an Atlantic grantee. Last week a member of U.S. Senator Susan Collins’ staff called to ask for my help. Senator Collins, who is the ranking…
Author: Community Experience Partnership
Seanad passes Partnership Bill
By Harry McGee. Legislation giving effect to civil partnerships passed all stages in the Seanad by 48 to four votes tonight. The first civil registrations for same-sex couples are likely to take place next January following overwhelming approval of the enabling legislation by the Oireachtas…
Author: The Irish Times
Crisis of age requires cure
By Lauren Foster When Mark Lachs, an internist who specialises in the care of the elderly, looks into the not-so-distant future, he sees millions of retirees and not enough doctors. The baby boomers are moving through the belly of the beast and are coming out…
Author: FT Times
Once Again a Senior, and Now What Are We Looking Forward To?
By Terry Kaelber Wednesday, August 21, is National Senior Citizens Day. Remember being a senior in high school or college? Figuring out what to do with our lives – identifying what was next – wasn’t easy. But there were resources available to help us understand…
Author: Terry Kaelber, Community Experience Partnership
C.S. Mott Foundation Partnership with Atlantic Philanthropies Gives South Africa’s Community Advice Offices Long-Term Support
FLINT, Mich. — Supporting the ongoing efforts of the community advice offices that assist underserved South Africans is the focus of a new partnership between the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies that is expected to result in up to $1,936,080 in grants over three…
Author: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Starting Over, With a Second Career Goal of Changing Society
By Steve Lohr Harvard kicked off a small but ambitious experiment this week that it hopes will become a new “third stage” of university education. For the student-fellows in the program, most in their 50s and early 60s, the goal is a second-act career in…
The forgotten parents
Although the civil partnership legislation that came into force on January 1st recognises same-sex couples for matters such as tax, pensions and inheritance, it does not acknowledge they might have children, writes SHEILA WAYMAN. PAULA FAGAN’S partner was working abroad when their eldest, asthmatic son…
Author: Irish Times
Age Awareness Week events tackle stereotypes of older people in Northern Ireland
Some unconventional steps were taken to tackle perceptions of older people during Northern Ireland’s fourth Age Awareness Week (28 September-3 October). The Week began with a very special screening of the cult film about life and love in older age. ‘Harold and Maude’ screened at…
Author: Atlantic Philanthropies