Results List
Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: Rays of Hope in Terrible Times
Johannesburg, South Africa When I arrived here on Monday after eighteen hours in transit, I was greeted by the horrific image on the front page of that morning’s Star, of a refugee hunted down by a mob and burned alive, in a grim imitation of…
Author: Gara LaMarche
Weighing the Best Vehicles For Philanthropic Giving
By Paul Sullivan KEN NOPAR, who advises others about philanthropy, will face his own decision on charitable giving when his parents die. Should he and his brother keep their parents’ private foundation going or transfer the assets into a donor-advised fund, where they have less…
Author: The New York Times
Flames of xenophobic hatred burn in Gauteng
Original Source by Ernest Mabuza THE violence that started as isolated attacks on foreigners in northern Johannesburg’s Alexandra township last week had by yesterday turned into a ring that encircled half of the city and spread into the city centre. A drive west from Cleveland…
Author: Business Day
Refugees 'beaten, shocked' by metro cops
The Aids Law Project, the Legal Resources Centre and Lawyers for Human Rights are Atlantic grantees. by Louise Flanagan Destitute people who were arrested while sleeping outside the Methodist Church in central Joburg a week ago say police beat them, insulted them, gave them electric…
Author: The Star (South Africa)
SA slams arrest of homeless Zim
Lawyers for Human Rights and the Legal Resources Centre are Atlantic grantees. South African human rights organisations on Saturday condemned the arrest of about 300 destitute Zimbabwean nationals. “We have been informed by the SAPS (South African Police Service) that the purpose of the raid…
Author: The Mercury
Court halts relocation of foreigners
Original Source by Imke van Hoorn, Zodidi Mhlana and Sapa | Johannesburg, South Africa The Johannesburg High Court has granted an urgent interdict preventing the relocation of foreigners displaced by xenophobic attacks who are being accommodated at the city’s Cleveland and Jeppe police stations, Lawyers…
Author: Mail & Guardian Online
South Africa to ease immigration rules for Zimbabweans
by CELEAN JACOBSON South Africa is planning to ease immigration rules for the thousands of Zimbabweans fleeing their country’s economic and humanitarian crises, an official said Tuesday. Home Affairs spokeswoman Siobhan McCarthy said Zimbabweans would be given a special status that allows them to stay…
Author: Associated Press Worldstream
Xenophobic rage leaves trail of havoc in Gauteng
Original Source by Ernest Mabuza AMID warnings of a looming humanitarian crisis in Gauteng, SA’s main economic hub, at least 12 people were killed and hundreds injured in apparent xenophobic attacks that spread to townships and parts of Johannesburg at the weekend. The violence, which…
Author: Business Day
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