Results List
Mapping a Finite Highway
Almost a decade ago, Joel Fleishman, director of the Center for Strategic Philanthropy, got a call from a foundation that had recently decided to expend its endowment and complete its grantmaking within 12-15 years. The foundation was asking for his help in collecting and synthesizing…
Author: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Scanning the Skyline: Lessons From 30 Years of Capital Grantmaking
Buildings have a special allure for philanthropy—their mass, their unambiguous reality, their durability, their promise of sheltering great transformative enterprise—that few other achievements can match. They also conjure a cloud of distinctive risks: the possibility of inadequate maintenance, financial drain, premature obsolescence, the danger that…
Author: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
A Foundation Confronts Its Final Priorities
In 2014, preparing for its final burst of expansive, long-vision grants, Atlantic drew its core programs to a close, downsized its staff, ramped up a final communications strategy, and became, in all respects, an institution in the final stages of work. The Atlantic Philanthropies, the largest…
Author: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
New $25m Fund for SA civil society groups working to advance constitutionalism
Joint statement from the Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies Cape Town – Today the Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies announced the launch of a joint fund to support organisations promoting and advancing constitutionalism in…
Author: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Climbing toward the finish line
The newest installment in our ongoing chronicle tells about the year The Atlantic Philanthropies defined how it was going to end, and what its final goals would be. Several weeks ago, Chris Oechsli, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ CEO, posted an online essay whose headline declared that Atlantic is…
Author: Tony Proscio, Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society
Civil Partnership a Cross-Country Success as Every County Celebrates
By the end of September, 862 Civil Partnerships had already taken place. That’s an average of two civil partnerships every day since they first became publicly available in April 2011. So, where are there most lesbian and gay civil partners across the country? Dublin 8…
Author: Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
Field Dispatches: Winning Civil Partnerships in Ireland
In early July of this year, both houses of the Irish Parliament passed a landmark Civil Partnerships law, guaranteeing new rights to same-sex couples. The bill – “one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation in 90 years” – was signed into law…
Author: Q & A with the Gay & Lesbian Equality Network
Declaration of the Civil Society Conference held on 27-28 October 2010, Boksburg, South Africa
The Civil Society Conference held on 27-28 October 2010 was a historic turning point in the history of South Africa. Over 300 delegates from 56 mass-based civil society organisations, with a combined membership of millions of South Africans, came together to rebuild a strong, mass…
Author: The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
Sara Gould Joins the Foundation Center as Visiting Fellow
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Cheryl LoeCommunications Project ManagerThe Foundation Center(888) 356-0354, ext. New York, NY — February 15, 2011. Sara K. Gould, former president and CEO of the Ms. Foundation for Women, has joined the Foundation Center in the role of The Atlantic Philanthropies Senior Fellow.…
Author: The Foundation Center
The Foundation Center Elects Two New Board Members: Marcia Smith and Valdemar de Oliveira Neto
NEW YORK, May 19 — The Foundation Center, the nation’s leading authority on organized philanthropy, has elected two new trustees to its board: Marcia A. Smith and Valdemar Neto (known as “Maneto”). Ms. Smith is senior vice president at The Atlantic Philanthropies, a global foundation…
Author: The Foundation Center