Results List
Choosing Long-Term Care: Advice From an Expert
by Jane Gross For many of us, elderly parents and adult children alike, nothing is more complicated or consequential than understanding the differences between the many available permutations of long-term care, choosing which is most appropriate for our families and figuring out how to pay…
Author: The New York Times (The New Old Age Blog)
Choosing Long-Term Care: Advice From an Expert
Original Source By Jane Gross For many of us, elderly parents and adult children alike, nothing is more complicated or consequential than understanding the differences between the many available permutations of long-term care, choosing which is most appropriate for our families and figuring out how…
Author: The New York Times
Violations Reported at 94% of Nursing Homes
by ROBERT PEAR WASHINGTON – More than 90 percent of nursing homes were cited for violations of federal health and safety standards last year, and for-profit homes were more likely to have problems than other types of nursing homes, federal investigators say in a report…
Author: The New York Times
N.C. special licensing program rewards long-term care providers who maintain high-quality workforce
For release: Immediate Date: August 21, 2006 Contact: Jim Jones (919) 733-9190 RALEIGH North Carolina has created a first-in-the-nation program to help reduce the turnover of nurse aides and other direct care workers who provide hands-on care to hundreds of thousands of the state’s elderly…
Author: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Eldercare Workforce Alliance to Address the Critical Shortage of Healthcare Workers Capable of Meeting the Needs of Older Adults
The Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA) — a new coalition of 25 leading organizations representing older adults and the eldercare workforce, including family caregivers, healthcare professionals, and direct-care workers — is holding its founding meeting this week in Washington, D.C. This wide array of national organizations…
Author: Eldercare Workforce Alliance
Housing slump changing options for older Americans
Aging in place has become the only possibility for many as the weakened economy erodes real estate values and retirement savings by MARK MILLER For a growing number of older Americans, the housing slump has changed the concept of “aging in place” from a lifestyle…
Author: NY Newsday
Caring for Aging Loved Ones Can Be a Catch-22
In her long struggle to care for her gravely ill husband, journalist and Passages author Gail Sheehy recalls one defining moment. More than a year ago, her husband, publisher Clay Felker, was being discharged from a New York City rehabilitation facility after spending several months…
Author: The Washington Post
SECTION: CAPITOL HILL HEARING TESTIMONY LENGTH: 1726 words Statement of Dr. Diana White Senior Research Associate, Institute on Aging Portland State University Committee on Senate Special Aging July 23, 2008 Good morning Senator Casey, Ranking Member Smith, and members of the Committee; I very much…
Author: Congressional Quarterly
Study Identifies Aging Hispanic Workers as "Invisible Boomers"
Original Source New America Media, AARP and the Urban Institute are Atlantic grantees., News Report, Eduardo A. de Oliveira Hispanic workers 50-Plus are a vigorous group of “invisible boomers,” who could help employers solve projected labor shortfalls in the coming years, according to a…
Author: New America Media
Long-term care threatens to sap seniors' savings
AARP is an Atlantic grantee. by Bob Moos Kay Paggi has been the bearer of bad news more times than she cares to remember. The senior-care coordinator has helped hundreds of Dallas families find long-term care for frail parents. Almost always, they think Medicare will…
Author: The Dallas Morning News