Results List
On Education: A Plan to Cut the High School Dropout Rate
by WINNIE HU HIGH school graduation rates are universally seen as a barometer of success, or failure, in education. Parents, college admissions officers, even savvy real estate agents rely on that particular statistic to tell them if a school is any good. But just as…
Author: The New York Times
Volunteering to get tomorrow's dropouts on track
Original Source By Robert Balfanz and Michael Brown MILLIONS OF American students are back in high school, and before the year is done more than 1.1 million will drop out. In many of the nation’s cities and low-wealth rural districts, 40 to 60 percent of…
Author: The Boston Globe
Speak Up for Health Coverage for Kids in the U.S.: Join the National Voice for Children
I’m visiting Atlantic’s programmes in Viet Nam right now, and a few days ago a provincial health official proudly told a group of us that the Government recently made health care free for all of the nine million Vietnamese children under the age of six.…
Author: Gara LaMarche
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Original Source Barack Obama’s campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Author: The American Prospect
Alliances In Health Debate Splinter; Once-Friendly Groups Split as Details Emerge
Health Care for America Now and the AARP are Atlantic grantees. by Dan Eggen and Perry Bacon Jr. Months of relative cooperation among disparate interest groups in the heath-care reform debate appear to be coming to an end, as the major political parties and their…
Author: The Washington Post
New National Collaborative Aims to Improve Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color
Improving Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color: New National Collaborative Aims to Identify and Share Best Practices and Fund Cross-Cutting Academic and Community-Based Research A new multifaceted effort, RISE (Research, Integration, Strategy and Evaluation) for Boys and Men of Color, has launched to identify…
Author: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
Educational, Economic Achievement Gaps Correlated, Reports Find
Original Source According to two new independently released reports, achievement and high school graduation gaps may be costing the United States trillions of dollars in unrealized gross domestic product and are threatening its ability to compete in the twenty-first century global economy. Prepared for the…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Communities In Schools to Receive Major Grant From the Corporation for National and Community Service
Investment Will be Used to Improve the Lives of Young People Nationwide ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Communities In Schools, the nation’s largest dropout prevention organization, is proud to announce that it is one of only three national organizations to receive a competitive grant…
Author: Communities In Schools (Release)
Sit Down, Stand Up: Social Justice Philanthropy Revisited
by Christopher Harris Last summer, Alliance magazine editor Caroline Hartnell asked me if I thought it would be good to write another special feature on philanthropy and social justice. As she put it, was there something new to say? While there is still much to do to…
Author: Philanthropy News Digest
Coalition of 60 groups representing over 30 million Americans launch campaign to fight social security cuts
Richard Trumka (AFL-CIO), Gerald McEntee (AFSCME), Justin Ruben (, Dennis Van Roekel (NEA), Eliseo Medina (SEIU), Terry O’Neill (NOW), Donna Meltzer (Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities), Hilary Shelton (NAACP), Ed Coyle (Alliance for Retired Americans) Help Launch New Campaign To Protect Social Security. With press…
Author: Strengthen Social Security