Results List
Atlantic Fellowship
Grantee: Our Lady's Hospice
Grant amount: $32,637
Hospice and Palliative Care for Dementia
Grantee: Northern Ireland Hospice
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $3,488,143
Dementia Palliative Care
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $1,940,250
Audit of End of Life Care – Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $684,005
To establish an all-Ireland Institute for Hospice and Palliative Care
Grantee: Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $5,076,000
Institute of Palliative and Hospice Care in Ireland: Expert Advisory Group
Grantee: Institute of Public Health in Ireland
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $460,019
Cross-National Study of Palliative Care Patterns and Costs
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $77,306
Business Plan for an All-Island Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $121,521
Hospice Friendly Hospitals Project
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $6,668,000
Hospice-at-Home Project
Grantee: Milford Care Centre
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $3,483,151
Planning Grant
Grantee: St Francis Hospice, Raheny
Grant amount: $190,464
Public Information & Education Campaign
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Grant amount: $502,840
The Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $7,025,605
Marymount Hospice Capital Support
Grantee: St Patrick's Hospital, Cork
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $11,811,005
Care for the People Dying in Hospitals Project
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $296,456
Review of Palliative Care Services
Grantee: Irish Hospice Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $159,718
Planning Grant for Applied Research on Best Practice in Palliative Care Services
Grantee: Marymount Hospice
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $242,740
Viewing 1-17 of 17