Results List
Atlantic Fellowship
Grantee: National Crittenton
Grant amount: $179,607
Mario M. Morino Distinguished Fellowship Fund
Grantee: Venture Philanthropy Partners
Grant amount: $225,000
Nelson Mandela Memorial and School of Public Leadership
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Grant amount: $21,500,000
Planning Grant: Nelson Mandela Memorial
Grantee: University of Cape Town Development Office
Grant amount: $180,000
Restore Relations with Cuba
Grantee: Fund for Reconciliation and Development
Grant amount: $30,000
Caring Across Generations Action Fund Campaign: Federal and State Long-Term Care Policy Change & Human Capital Development
Grantee: Bend the Arc Jewish Action
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Development of Infrastructure and Capacity in Virus Diagnostics in Cuba
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Grant amount: $252,000
Atlantic Fellowship Learning and Evaluation Community Support and Convening
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $640,035
Interim Support for Atlantic Fellows Program at LSE
Grantee: The London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $136,547
Consolidating Progress on U.S. – Cuba Relations
Grantee: Washington Office on Latin America
Theme: U.S.-Cuba Relations
Grant amount: $28,000
First National, Public Museum Dedicated to U.S. Racial History
Grantee: National Museum of African American History and Culture
Grant amount: $12,000,000
National Policy Analysis and Strategic Communications Support to Advance Elev8 and Other Community Schools and School-Based Health Centres
Grantee: Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $175,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Global Brain Health Institute
Grantee: Center for Assessment and Policy Development
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Oral History Video Project
Grantee: Thaler Pekar & Partners
Grant amount: $475,000
National Policy Advocacy and Communications Support for Linked Learning
Grantee: Williams-Group
Grant amount: $175,000
Caring Across Generations: Federal Long-Term Care Policy Change & Human Capital Development (See new c4 grant to Caring Across Generations, #26467).
Grantee: Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Documenting the Design, Development and Completion of Phase I of Cornell NYC Tech
Grantee: Checkerboard Film Foundation
Grant amount: $176,250
Translational Development of a Drug Candidate for Neurodegenerative Disorders
Grantee: NeuroPath Therapeutics Limited
Theme: Aging Biomedical Research Knowledge, Research & Innovation
Grant amount: $9,000,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $17,400,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Health Equity Southeast Asia Initiative
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $925,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $40,000,000
Health Workforce Equity: Human Capital Development Initiative
Grantee: George Washington Health Workforce Institute
Grant amount: $5,500,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $119,000,000
Health Equity in Southeast Asia: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: China Medical Board
Grant amount: $40,000,000
Leadership Development Institute
Grantee: Southern Education Foundation, Inc.
Grant amount: $6,000,000
National Center for Complex Care
Grantee: Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $4,355,000
Education Justice Network
Grantee: National Public Education Support Fund
Grant amount: $1,500,000
Support Key Organizational Activities
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Grant amount: $100,000
Inequality, Democracy and Social Change Leaders Programme
Grantee: London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $45,030
Conference on Cuba’s Evolving Economy
Grantee: Brookings Institution
Theme: U.S.-Cuba Relations
Grant amount: $20,000
Sponsor of Plenary Session at Annual Conference
Grantee: Grantmakers in Aging
Grant amount: $20,000
Promoting Consumer Priorities in Health System Transformation
Grantee: Community Catalyst Action Fund, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $1,197,178
Exploratory Phase of Virtual Institute on Brain Health
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $41,724
Khayelitsha Youth and Community Centre
Grantee: Webber Wentzel
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $1,340,280
Resource in Support of Philanthropy in South Africa
Grantee: Mitchell, Ritchie, Judge Associates
Grant amount: $99,139
Building an Advocacy Infrastructure and Inspiring a Legacy of Support
Grantee: American Civil Liberties Union
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Promoting Consumer Priorities in Health System Transformation
Grantee: Community Catalyst, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $13,602,822
Integrated Literature Review and Development of Indicators Concerning Racial Equity and Student Outcomes
Grantee: National Academy of Sciences
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $250,000
National Health Policy Forum
Grantee: George Washington University - National Health Policy Forum
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $350,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 New Mexico Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $875,000
Coalition for Community Schools’ 2016 National Convention
Grantee: Youth Development Incorporated
Grant amount: $75,000
National Federal Policy Advocacy and Communications Support to for Elev8 Sites
Grantee: Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $90,000
Evaluation of National League of Cities Competitive Funding Model to Improve Access to Health Coverage for Children and Families
Grantee: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $177,149
Palliative Care Cluster: Development of Academic Palliative Medicine in Ireland
Grantee: Trinity Foundation
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $949,124
Development of Infrastructure and Capacity in Virus Diagnostics in Cuba.
Grantee: University College Dublin Foundation Limited
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $1,439,365
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Chicago Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $875,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Baltimore Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Humanim
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $550,000
Elev8 National Phase III: Elev8 Oakland Evaluation and Advocacy
Grantee: Safe Passages
Theme: Community Schools
Grant amount: $700,000
National Dementia Implementation Programme
Grantee: Health Service Executive
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $16,338,000
Supporting and Sustaining a National Hub for School-Based Health Care
Grantee: School-Based Health Alliance
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $2,500,000