Results List
Core Support
Grantee: Irish Trust for Civil Liberties, Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Grant amount: $530,300
Supplemental Funding for Documentary Film on U.S. Programs
Grantee: Brooklyn Film Networks
Grant amount: $100,000
Supreme Court Appeal of NI Brexit Challenge
Grantee: NI Human Rights Consortium
Grant amount: $62,455
Caring Across Generations Action Fund Campaign: Federal and State Long-Term Care Policy Change & Human Capital Development
Grantee: Bend the Arc Jewish Action
Theme: Health System Reform
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Digitization of the United Nations Association Film Festival Archives
Grantee: Better World Fund UNA Midpeninsula
Grant amount: $95,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $87,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: Nelson Mandela Foundation
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $87,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: BOLD c/o Praxis Project
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $58,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: Center for Community Change
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $42,000
Planning Grant: Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $42,000
Cornell International Center on Capital Punishment
Grantee: Cornell University Law School
Theme: Death Penalty Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $3,250,000
Atlantic Fellows Program for Racial Equity at Columbia University
Grantee: Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York
Theme: Human Rights & Reconciliation
Grant amount: $59,584,000
Camera as Witness Endowment Fund
Grantee: Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences
Grant amount: $500,000
Leveraging Atlantic’s Experience and Learning to Advance Human Rights and Social Change
Grantee: The Social Change Initiative
Grant amount: $10,629,513
Caring Across Generations: Federal Long-Term Care Policy Change & Human Capital Development (See new c4 grant to Caring Across Generations, #26467).
Grantee: Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
Grant amount: $1,000,000
Documentary Films on U.S. Programs
Grantee: Brooklyn Film Networks
Grant amount: $300,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $17,400,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Global Brain Health Institute
Grantee: Center for Assessment and Policy Development
Grant amount: $2,000,000
Human Capital Development: Incubation Milestone Evaluation for the Health Equity Southeast Asia Initiative
Grantee: Social Science Research Council
Grant amount: $925,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $40,000,000
Health Workforce Equity: Human Capital Development Initiative
Grantee: George Washington Health Workforce Institute
Grant amount: $5,500,000
Global Brain Health Institute: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: UCSF Foundation
Grant amount: $119,000,000
Health Equity in Southeast Asia: A Culminating Investment in Human Capital Development
Grantee: China Medical Board
Grant amount: $40,000,000
Documenting the Design, Development and Completion of Phase I of Cornell NYC Tech
Grantee: Checkerboard Film Foundation
Grant amount: $176,250
Constitutional Court of South Africa’s Art Collection
Grantee: Foundation for Society, Law, and Art in South Africa
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $300,000
Atlantic Fellowship Fund
Grantee: The Social Change Initiative
Grant amount: $1,939,591
Fund for the Constitution in South Africa
Grantee: Open Society Foundations
Theme: Delivering on Democracy
Grant amount: $10,000,000
Giving While Living Video
Grantee: Parrot Productions
Grant amount: $75,000
Support Key Organizational Activities
Grantee: The South African Institute for Advancement
Grant amount: $100,000
Inequality, Democracy and Social Change Leaders Programme
Grantee: London School of Economics and Political Science
Grant amount: $45,030
A Day In May Book and Play Project
Grantee: A Day In May Trust
Grant amount: $57,195
Atlantic Insights: Advocacy
Grantee: Brownbridge Strategies
Grant amount: $100,000
AndACTION Project
Grantee: New Venture Fund
Grant amount: $250,000
Gerald Kraak Anthology
Grantee: The Other Foundation Trust
Theme: LGBT
Grant amount: $185,876
Sustaining and Disseminating the Work of the Network
Grantee: Training for Health Equity Network
Theme: Population Health
Grant amount: $2,600,000
Human Rights Fund
Grantee: Community Foundation for Northern Ireland
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $11,591,206
Atlantic Fellowship
Grantee: Physicians for Human Rights
Grant amount: $58,816
Capital Litigation Unit
Grantee: Southern Center for Human Rights
Theme: Death Penalty
Grant amount: $800,000
Protect Rights and Increase Access to Justice and Services
Grantee: Law Centre NI
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $972,845
Evaluation of Primary Health Care and Human Resources in Health Programme
Grantee: The SEED Trust
Grant amount: $282,676
Irish Refugee & Migrants Rights Centre – Sustaining Access to Justice and Services for Migrants and Their Families
Grantee: Irish Refugee Council
Theme: Immigration & Migration
Grant amount: $3,008,915
Palliative Care Cluster: International Access Rights and Empowerment Study (IARE II)
Grantee: Cicely Saunders Institute
Theme: Palliative Care
Grant amount: $1,044,113
Creating a Children’s Rights Hub
Grantee: EPIC Empowering People in Care
Theme: Prevention and Early Intervention
Grant amount: $277,000
Human Capital Development
Grantee: Health Research Board
Theme: Dementia
Grant amount: $3,677,003
Dignity in Schools Campaign
Grantee: National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
Theme: School Discipline Reform
Grant amount: $1,018,750
Big Data Project
Grantee: Below the Radar
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $627,642
Restorative Practice
Grantee: Northern Ireland Alternatives
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $368,149
Increasing Impact and Sustainability of NGOs in Northern Ireland to Secure Change
Grantee: Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $5,609,547
Grantee: NI Assembly Legislative Strengthening Trust
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $1,018,261
Strategic Litigation
Grantee: Public Interest Litigation Support
Theme: Protecting Rights & Promoting Reconciliation
Grant amount: $737,786