Results List
Health Equity: Cuba, South Africa, the United States, and Viet Nam
[caption id="attachment_58419" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Yarol Yamel, 3, is examined by Dr. Janisleydis Rosado for bronchial asthma at walk-in clinic Number 15, La Santa Fe, Isle of Youth.[/caption] Cuba Although Cuba’s health care system is considered to be one of the best in the world, in…
Resource type: Page
Lessons Learned: the “Harvest Time” reports
[caption id="attachment_83415" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Atlantic staff in 2016[/caption] In 2010, Atlantic commissioned philanthropy consultant Tony Proscio, in conjunction with Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society, to write a series of reports charting the final years of the foundation, the largest endowed institution…
Resource type: Page
Tricky Road Ahead for Innovation Fund
Source: Education Week
Original source Teach for America and Grantmakers for Education are Atlantic grantees. By Erik W. Robelen Federal education officials will face a variety of obstacles in running a $650 million innovation fund, from an expected flood of applications and concern about favoritism in picking winners,…
Resource type: News
Communities for Just Schools Fund Newsletter: October 2015
Source: Communities for Just Schools Fund
The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) is a new national donor collaborative that supports constituency-led organizing efforts to create positive and supportive school climates, which affirm and foster the success of all students. Building upon the groundbreaking initiatives of the Just and Fair Schools…
Resource type: News
Communities for Just Schools Fund Newsletter: July 2015
Source: Communities for Just Schools Fund
The Communities for Just Schools Fund (CJSF) is a new national donor collaborative that supports constituency-led organizing efforts to create positive and supportive school climates, which affirm and foster the success of all students. Building upon the groundbreaking initiatives of the Just and Fair Schools…
Resource type: News
Commencement at the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools
Gara LaMarche, Atlantic's President and CEO addressed the 2010 graduating class at the Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools in Haley Farm, Knoxville, Tennessee. I want to start out by saying that I have no recollection of the commencement address when I graduated from St. Bernard’s…
Resource type: Speech
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: April 2013
Source: Just and Fair Schools Fund
Watch this quick video to learn about the Just and Fair School Fund’s grant awards, and the youth, parents, congregations, and teachers they support around the country.FeatureThe Just and Fair Schools Fund is pleased to announce $3.8 million in grants over two years to 35…
Resource type: News
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: August 2012
Source: Just and Fair Schools Fund
The Just and Fair Schools Fund (JFSF) supports grassroots organizing initiatives that work to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices - and that uphold the right to education for all youth. Our newsletter shares updates on parent-, youth-, and congregation-led victories, partner spotlights, news,…
Resource type: News
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: May 2012
Source: Just and Fair Schools Fund
The Just and Fair Schools Fund supports grassroots organising initiatives that work to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices - and that uphold the right to education for all youth. Our newsletter shares updates on parent- and youth-led victories, partner spotlights, news, and resources to promote positive…
Resource type: News
Just and Fair Schools Fund Newsletter: July 2013
Source: Just and Fair Schools Fund
The Just and Fair Schools Fund (JFSF) supports grassroots organizing initiatives that work to eliminate harsh school discipline policies and practices - and that uphold the right to education for all youth. Our newsletter shares updates on parent-, youth-, and congregation-led victories, partner spotlights, news,…
Resource type: News