Results List
New York University’s Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing to Receive AACN-GE Healthcare Pioneering Spirit Award
Source: The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing at New York University College of Nursing
New York University’s Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing to Receive AACN-GE Healthcare Pioneering Spirit Award at National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition, Washington, D.C. Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing identifies and shapes best practices for care of older adults Visionary Leadership Award from the…
Resource type: News
New York University – College of Nursing
Resource type: Grantee
Nurses: The Critical Link in Improving Health Care for the Underserved
Source: Gara LaMarche
Jennifer Wilson, Bermuda’s Nurse of the Year for 2008, spends her days driving the Azmobile from one island school to another. She coordinates an island-wide asthma education programme for Open Airways, an Atlantic-supported organisation that has helped cut hospital admissions for asthma sufferers by nearly…
Resource type: News
NYUCN's Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing Launches REASN Initiative
Source: New York University (Release)
The Next Phase of the Hartford Institute's work with Specialty Nursing Organizations Will Reach 200,000+ Nurses The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing at NYU College of Nursing announces the launch of REASN (Resourcefully Enhancing Aging in Specialty Nursing), a continuation of its work with specialty…
Resource type: News
Charter Schools' Big Experiment
Source: The Washington Post
New Orleans's Post-Katrina Test May Offer Lessons for Ailing Systems Original Source By Jay Mathews Washington Post Staff Writer NEW ORLEANS The storm that swamped this city three years ago also effectively swept away a public school system with a dismal record and faint prospects…
Resource type: News
Assessing Contributions of Atlantic’s Projects to Improving Care for Vulnerable Elders
Source: School of Public Affairs, Baruch College
The Atlantic Philanthropies commissioned this report to analyse the impact of projects funded under Atlantic’s Human Capital Development (HCD) strategy in Ageing, which focused on improving health and support services for older adults by increasing the geriatric knowledge and skills of practising health care professionals…
Resource type: Research Report
As Population Ages, Hospital Nurses Increasingly Finding their NICHE
Source: ElderBranch
By Chris LundPeople over the age of 65 are expected to grow from 13.3% of the US population today to 20.3% by 2030, and those over the age of 85 are projected to increase from 5.7 million in 2011 to 8.9 million people in 2030.…
Resource type: News
Up Close: Blogging from South Africa
Source: Gara LaMarche and Jack Rosenthal
Night and a Day in QueenstownPosted by Gara LaMarche | 18 March 2011, South AfricaAs Jack has chronicled, we arrived in Queenstown, the final leg of our journey in the Eastern Cape, in the dark, around 7 p.m. This was a problem for two reasons. First, we’d…
Resource type: News
Number of HIV/AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa expected to greatly outpace resources
Source: National Academy of Sciences
WASHINGTON — The number of people infected with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to far outstrip available resources for treatment by the end of the decade, forcing African nations to make difficult choices about how to allocate inadequate supplies of lifesaving antiretroviral therapy (ART),…
Resource type: News
12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement
Source: Wall Street Journal
Joseph Coughlin describes his work as "trying to get people to 'age cool.' " More specifically, as director of AgeLab, a research program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is pushing advances in transportation, health care and housing off drawing boards and into older…
Resource type: News