Results List
Federation, National Council on Aging Announce Collaboration
Source: San Francisco Chronicle
By: National Council on Aging CDCUs to Work with Regional Economic Security Centers to Assist Vulnerable Older Adults According to research from the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions (Federation) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA), older adults in the United States are…
Resource type: News
National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions
Resource type: Grantee
CDCUs Receive Grant to Further Financial Work With Seniors
Source: Credit Union Times
By David MorrisonThe National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions has received a grant to put a program into place that will help senior citizens attain financial security. The National Federation reported that the grant from the Atlantic Philanthropies will lead to eight CDCUs receiving…
Resource type: News
Oct. 12th Event - Celebrating Financial Reform: What Happened and What’s Next?
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
With President Obama’s signature on 21 July 2010, consumer protections were established and strengthened regulations were put in place that will provide increased oversight and transparency of the financial sector as a whole. Throughout the campaign for financial reform, progressive advocates made sure that the…
Resource type: News
Why Movements Matter
Source: The American Prospect
Paradigm-shifting elections don't shift paradigms if there aren't corresponding social movements for change.By VIVIEN LABATON AND GARA LAMARCHE One thing we now know with certainty, more than two years into Barack Obama's presidency, is that change is an uphill battle. We're already defending hard-won gains on health care…
Resource type: News
L.A. Schools Moving Away From Zero Tolerance Policies
Source: Los Angeles Times
Students, parents and teachers staged a rally last month in front of the L.A. Unified Schools headquarters to urge the district and School Police Department to overhaul its old system of citations for students committing minor offenses. (Gary Friedman, Los Angeles Times / August 9,…
Resource type: News
Celebrating Financial Reform in the U.S. – An Advance for Social Justice
Source: Vivien Labaton
Vivien Labaton, Director of Strategic Programme Initiatives at The Atlantic Philanthropies, reflects on the recent passage of financial reform in the United States and the activities of Atlantic grantees to help bring it about. The recent passage of the financial reform law—the Dodd-Frank Wall…
Resource type: News
Not Just a Numbers Game: Budget Cuts Threaten Those Already Struggling
Source: Gara LaMarche
“Oh, I really feel we’ve been led up the garden path…We are the people that worked. We put this country on its feet, and we’re the people that are being hit every which way.” - Diane, age 81, in Dublin, Ireland Across many of the geographies…
Resource type: News
Reclaiming the Moral Life of Philanthropy
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, discussed his concerns about a growing need for a stronger moral framework for philanthropy at the Starr Forum at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Forty-five years ago, a young aide named Bill Moyers sat in the…
Resource type: Speech
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech