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Iowa CareGivers Association
Resource type: Grantee
Health Care Bill Amendment Highlights Direct-Care Workforce
Source: PHI blog
Original Source Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI) and the Iowa Caregivers Association are Atlantic grantees. The 2008 Institute of Medicine report, Retooling for an Aging America: Building the Health Care Workforce was funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies. by Aaron Toleos An amendment to America’s Affordable Health Choices Act added in the House…
Resource type: News
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute
Direct-care workers ensure quality elder care and disability services for millions of Americans, yet often do not have their own health coverage. The Health Care for Health Care Workers (HCHCW) campaign is addressing this challenge. HCHCW raises awareness of the lack of coverage and its…
Resource type: Grantee Story
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