Results List
Atlas Learning Project: Resources for Funding Policy Change
Source: Center for Evaluation Innovation
Helping foundations be more aggressive and adaptive in their support for advocacy and policy change. Learn more > Foundations and advocates can no longer rely on the same old approaches to be effective when it comes to policy change. Progress is too vulnerable to not…
Resource type: Research Report
Enriching a University to Strengthen Learning and Research
Students attend 2012 commencement ceremony. Photo: Cornell University The nearly $1 billion investment in Cornell University made by Atlantic and its Founding Chairman has enriched the experience of students and faculty on campus; strengthened its academics, research and athletics; and enabled the university to expand…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Making a Difference in the Lives of People with Disabilities: Capturing the Learning from Funding on the Island of Ireland
Source: Morrow Gilchrist Associates
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ investments on behalf of people with disabilities living on the island of Ireland helped advance their rights and achieve community inclusion and participation, according to this evaluation by Morrow Gilchrist Associates. Atlantic’s strategy was informed by the need to implement and interpret…
Resource type: Research Report
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Source: Gara LaMarche
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech
Advancing Knowledge and Practice about Foundation Spend-down
While understanding of foundation activity has increased significantly in recent decades, there are still major gaps in knowledge about these important institutions. Unfortunately, the knowledge gaps make it difficult for donors, foundation and nonprofit leaders, policymakers and others concerned about foundations to make informed decisions…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Roosevelt Middle School: Bridging Cultures, Creating Community
A small blue and green globe is passed from hand to hand as parents, staff, and community partners introduce themselves and share about a cultural tradition or characteristic that they’re proud of – and that they want other members of their school community to understand…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Tilling The Field: Lessons About Philanthropy’s Role in School Discipline Reform
Source: Leila Fiester, Atlas Learning Project
Anyone concerned about how the futures of millions of children are jeopardized because of discipline practices that unfairly exclude students from U.S. public schools will be heartened by this story about how transformative change can happen. It’s a story of how students and parents, civil…
Resource type: Research Report
Harvest Time for The Atlantic Philanthropies – 2012-2013: Decline & Rise
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This report, the fourth in a series about The Atlantic Philanthropies’s concluding years, details unexpected turns in the foundation’s approach to commit its entire endowment in a limited time frame. The report covers late 2012 through the end of 2013, some three to four years…
Resource type: Research Report
Atlantic’s Children & Youth Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland is Catalyst for Change
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Children & Youth Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland has been a catalyst for change in encouraging government investment in evidence-based prevention and early intervention programmes, according to this evaluation commissioned by Atlantic. In June 2009, The Atlantic Philanthropies published an evaluation…
Resource type: Evaluation
Executive Summary of Findings and Lessons from the HCAN Campaign
Source: Grassroots Solutions and M+R Strategic Services
This overview provides the methodology and 12 major qualitative findings of the Health Care for America Now (HCAN) campaign evaluation. The campaign had the goal of winning affordable and comprehensive health care for all Americans. Prior to passage of the health care bill in 2010,…
Resource type: Evaluation