Results List
Using the Law to Secure Social Change on the Island of Ireland
Source: University College Cork and Queen's University Belfast
This report discusses lessons Atlantic grantees have learned about using the law to secure social change in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Northern Ireland (NI). Atlantic’s support for this work began in 2004. Back then, few organizations in ROI or NI had much experience with public…
Resource type: Research Report
Atlas Learning Project: Resources for Funding Policy Change
Source: Center for Evaluation Innovation
Helping foundations be more aggressive and adaptive in their support for advocacy and policy change. Learn more > Foundations and advocates can no longer rely on the same old approaches to be effective when it comes to policy change. Progress is too vulnerable to not…
Resource type: Research Report
Moyers, LaMarche, Bhargava: Towards Progressive Reform
Bill Moyers Interviews Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava: Working Towards Progressive Reform and Social Justice 19 October 2010 Nearly twenty-one months after the inauguration of Barack Obama, the social justice movement – and its funders – are at a crossroads. Is there still momentum for progressive…
Resource type: Video
GRITtv – Gara LaMarche on Creating Progressive Narratives
The times are difficult and the challenges are great. But a sober analysis of our predicament suggests that there are accomplishments to be celebrated and lessons to be learned from the intense period of history we have just lived through that can inform a comeback…
Resource type: Video
Reasons for Optimism on Immigration and Progressive Reform
In October 2010, award-winning journalist Bill Moyers moderated a discussion between Gara LaMarche, President of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and Deepak Bhargava, Executive Director of the Campaign for Community Change about the road ahead for progressives in the current political climate, and the connection between philanthropy…
Resource type: Video
Amplifying the Voices of Families Who Need Change the Most
“Real social change has to be built from the ground up through the participation of millions of people speaking in their own voices,” says Deepak Bhargava, Executive Director of the 40-year-old Center for Community Change (CCC). To ensure that policymakers hear the voices of low-income…
Resource type: Grantee Story
GLEN: Evaluation of the Building Sustainable Change Programme
Source: PA Consulting Group
The Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) in Ireland achieved significant progress under an ambitious five-year programme to achieve equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, according to an evaluation by the PA Consulting Group. Through the programme, which was funded by Atlantic, GLEN played…
Resource type: Research Report
Change Comes to Washington: Will it Come to Philanthropy, Too?
Source: Gara LaMarche
Philanthropy should step up and seize the unprecedented opportunities created by the election of President Obama, said Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at the Annual Meeting of Southern California Grantmakers in Los Angeles. When the terrific Sushma Raman –…
Resource type: Speech
Atlantic’s Children & Youth Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland is Catalyst for Change
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Children & Youth Programme in Ireland and Northern Ireland has been a catalyst for change in encouraging government investment in evidence-based prevention and early intervention programmes, according to this evaluation commissioned by Atlantic. In June 2009, The Atlantic Philanthropies published an evaluation…
Resource type: Evaluation
Law as a Vehicle for Social Change
Source: Martin O'Brien
Martin O’Brien, Senior Vice President for Programmes at The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered FLAC’s Seventh Annual Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture in Dublin. Ellis was a community activist who dedicated his career to working with community groups on issues including welfare rights, legal aid, legal education and…
Resource type: Speech